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Home ? Tips & Tricks ? Making walls with windows, transparency

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24/02/2017 17:24:05

Posts: 176
(I'm afraid I don't know how to add photos to this site so you'll have to bear with me.)

Anyway, I wanted to make my own walls, with windows, and have a green-screen outside them so I could 'key' video via my video editing software, so character looking 'out the window' would see live video.

The first thing to do is select an image of your choice and open it in Photoshop or similar, make it look how you like, while making sure it's 'squared' and suitable for going on a rectangular background. Make a duplicate layer, make the bottom layer non-visible, in the visible top layer cut out your windows with the 'lariat' tool, delete the uneeded old image so a empty space is shown. Then, RESIZE the image - I found the vertical height of 1024 pix is best, the width can be 2x 3x ?x that, (you have to play around with the backdrop width sometimes.) Then, save it as a PNG file (very important)

Create Backdrops, and select 'Ultra Wide' open 'properties' and replace the palm tree scene with your PNG file, if you've done it right the cutouts will be transparent both from the inside and outside!

I will post a new animation in the next little while that will incorporate this, and some other new techniques I've come up with.
24/02/2017 23:19:48

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
Great idea! I look forward to seeing your final result!
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Home ? Tips & Tricks ? Making walls with windows, transparency