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20/03/2014 00:52:08

chucklesExperimental user
Posts: 126
My Muvizu Animation

Is A Chapter from "Alice In Wonderland" written in 1865 by Lewis Carroll.
As far as I know, and I have Googled extensively, NOBODY has ever done a complete version of the book with all the original dialogue.
My Chapter is this. I have added nothing, such as a stupid song written by somebody else, nor subtracted anything. All the dialogue, spoken by the four Characters is there as in the original.
I HOPE to eventually animate the whole book.
Yes, I AM a fanatic! I have read and re-read the book about twenty times, since the age of three, when I was taught to read.
I am hoping that this becomes the main resource of the book on the Internet!
I am 70, and hope to finish it.
20/03/2014 01:20:22

Posts: 520
Bravo! I always admire someone with an inspiring goal
20/03/2014 08:36:33

toonaramaMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 661
Great idea chuckles and I'm sure you can finish it - you're one of the fastet Muvizuers around.

One suggestion though - although your characters were great I think you need a "proper" voice for Alice. You could aways try the voice actors alliance (for a free actor) or "fiverr" (if you can pay).

Good luck!
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