PatMarrNC - all messages by user

2017/5/3 16:40:42
To answer Drewi, this application is part of the last update of windows 10, just open paint net and click on the icon (paint net 3D).

Interesting. I just looked at both of my windows 10 computers, and neither of them has this program. Is it necessary to download and install PAINT.NET in order for the windows update to include this?
2017/5/3 14:04:34
CHARACTER UVMAPS Now that the Muvizu site is up again (for how long we don't know) you might want to check & see if all of your UVmaps are installed.
Check by loading a character, then EDIT > DECALS > CUSTOM TEXTURES > UV TEMPLATES (click on the arrow to see what's loaded)

If you bought them, you should have all of the UVMaps shown below:

Asian boy
Asian girl
Asian man
Asian woman
south Asian boy

south Asian girl
south Asian man
south Asian woman

if any of those shown above aren't in your list (assuming you bought them) by re-downloading and installing them again, they should populate your list. Apparently the UVMaps weren't included in the original download, so if you bought the character pack soon after it was released, you probably didn't get the UVMaps. They were added later, and are now a part of the download.

update: some of the uvmaps required me to reinstall the full version of Muvizu. Apparently installing updates from the automated live prompt does not also update the character packs.

edited by PatMarrNC on 03/05/2017
2017/4/26 14:59:35
dubbing most of us record dialog with AUDACITY, which is free and very powerful.
2017/4/25 19:00:19
Digimania has gone into administration that was awesome Rod.. as your videos always are! But I hope that wasn't your last video in Muvizu... the software will continue to work, and a new forum has already been created in case this one vanishes.

In reality, the user's experience isn't changed a whole lot by these current events. Of course, you are the only one who can set your path in life, I hope you remain with us, as we value your friendship.

New forum will be here:
The site address is:
To go straight to the forum:
2017/4/25 13:58:54
New sets Witchy wrote:
Thanks so much clayster. These are wonderful as usual. Its going to be such a loss if this community drifts away

The irony of this situation is that the people MOST affected are Digimania's employees. For users, there isn't a lot that changes. The most significant change for us will be if this forum and its resources vanish... but there are already people working to transfer the wiki and other files to a new forum. Once that happens, I expect that most of the active users will end up on the new forum, and everything will continue as before, except there will be no new users asking newbie questions.

It could turn into a core group of enthusiasts who really bond over the next couple of years. We might be at the beginning of a golden era of Muvizu use, who knows?

The new domain name will be :
To go straight to the forum:
edited by PatMarrNC on 25/04/2017
2017/4/25 2:51:54
Oculus VR experience expansion pack launched! has anybody here tried using Muvizu with an oculus rift? If so, please chime in with any ideas or tips on how to use it. My son bought me one for my birthday
2017/4/24 10:29:31
ZUCHAT... a FB group for Muvizu ikes wrote:
Hi Rocque,

If I can I'll keep in contact. I rather see another solution for the forum, maybe it's an idea like Clay said, to create our own forum, far away from the weasels of facebook.

there are already people looking into that. I think the FB group is mainly to keep people collected and informed until something more usable materializes.

Personally, I'd like to see a way for users/volunteers to keep this forum alive
2017/4/23 17:49:05
Unable To Use License Key drewi wrote:
Forgive me for labouring the point but i was about to buy two character packs 5.99 each.A trembling finger on the pay to digimania....
when i got the fear!!!
Am i right in thinking that if i did go ahead and purchase, that would alter my product code and i'd have to click the upgrade button in Muvizu and enter the new code....but it might come back with an error code and i would lose Muvizu for ever and ever.....gulp!!...whimper!!
Have joined zuchat now.

there have been times in the past when I had run out of activations, so when I bought a new pack, the activation failed. As I recall, Muvizu still worked, but the pack didn't until Jamie increased my number of allowed activations.

I guess it all depends on how willing you are to risk the price of a character pack. If you are already out of activations, there's nobody on the Muvizu side to help you out. But chances are good that you still have activations left, in which case you should get the same results as Ritsmer.

I wish there was a way for us to see how many activations we have left... that would be very helpful right now...
edited by PatMarrNC on 23/04/2017
2017/4/23 17:42:54
Unable To Use License Key ritsmer wrote:
I have been busy buying the things I did not have already and downloading all the free things too.

Buying, downloading and installing i.e. the Chinese history pack yesterday went well - no problems.

that's good to know! A lot of others have expressed an interest in buying things but until now nobody knew if it would work! Thanks for letting us know it works!
2017/4/23 14:25:57
ZUCHAT... a FB group for Muvizu Anybody who wants to migrate from this forum to ZUCHAT (The facebook group for Muvizu) should probably make it easy on the group's admin by including your Muvizu forum name or some information to let him know you use Muvizu. We've had several spammers request membership, and without some information to let him know you're from this forum, it will take longer to get approved.

It is a private group, so what you post there won't be seen by your other FB friends.

ZUCHAT is located here:
edited by PatMarrNC on 23/04/2017
2017/4/23 14:15:46
Digimania has gone into administration now that we know the program itself will continue to run as long as it stays on the same computer, most of us will have years of access to it, even if nothing changes with its ownership.

One thing that probably WILL change, (and pretty soon) is this forum. Now would be a good time to download all the sets. There no guarantee that any of them will make the transition to Zuchat
2017/4/23 4:25:40
Digimania has gone into administration tonyob67 wrote:
I have being very busy trying to survive and give my sons a better life working in 2 jobs. If this is the end of muvizu I will like to say thank you to the very nice people I met here. Pat, Clay, Ziggy, Ikes, Rod Silva, MrDrWho...Thank you guys, It´s being a pleasure. I will follow you on facebook

good seeing you again Tony! I will always remember your winning entries in my contests! I like your sense of humor... you are a good man and I am happy to have met you as a result of using Muvizu. Your sons are fortunate to have such a loving and hard working father! Best of luck to you in whatever future endeavors you choose to pursue!
2017/4/22 13:30:14
Digimania has gone into administration Ammostro wrote:
A facebookgroup where we can post our clips, sets, idea's,.. . Maybe a good idea. So we can stay in touch.

There is already a FB page dedicated to Muvizu... ZUCHAT

Unfortunately, FB doesn't offer a way to trade sets. I think a yahoo group would be a good idea, since they have an area for file storage

I also hope that if the plug is pulled out, the program will continue to work.

I hesitate to make any claims because so much is still not known... but a number of people have tested to see what would happen if the server goes down, and we feel pretty sure that Muvizu will continue to work as long as you run it on the computer where it was originally licensed.

The problem is that if/when your computer fails, you won't be able to reinstall on another computer. So if your computer is fairly new, you probably have a long time left to use Muvizu. Hopefully in that period of time, new options may arise. Put my name on the list of people who hopes that the administrators allow it to go open source, or that a buyer emerges.

edited by PatMarrNC on 22/04/2017
2017/4/21 23:56:57
Digimania has gone into administration thanks for the update Dreeko.
2017/4/21 22:23:25
Digimania has gone into administration Ammostro wrote:
If it's really the end, is there another software that is about the same as muvizu. For the same price, not a couple of hundred.
If not, we stay at Muvizu of course.

as long as the program still works and it meets your needs.. why change at all?
2017/4/20 13:22:12
AMD RYZEN 7 1800X what surprised me about the test was the low CPU and GPU usage numbers. Neither the GPU nor the CPU got a workout while rendering your project. What bottleneck keeps either or both of them from throwing power at a problem until it's solved or the computer runs out of resources?
2017/4/19 19:31:27
Digimania has gone into administration if anybody from Digimania is monitoring the forum... officially or unofficially.... it might be good to offer some concrete information now before rumour and sensational exaggeration run amok (too late!)
edited by PatMarrNC on 19/04/2017
2017/4/19 14:25:26
AMD RYZEN 7 1800X create a test project and render it so you know how long it takes... then send it to me and I'll render it at your same settings and tell you how long it took. You can message me the dropbox link.
2017/4/17 13:08:56
Video blinking with dar parts you should contact support for this problem:
2017/4/17 13:05:04
A New Video from Toschek Hi Thorsten! I liked your use of cartoonized live footage, and the way you made it interact with the Muvizu characters. (such as holding hands with the Muvizu chick)

I also liked the way you framed your shots... you got a lot of interesting perspectives out of that one set!

And I'm assuming that's an original song... I liked it.
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