OMenor - all messages by user

2011/6/6 8:15:41
Compatibility: Old set files and the new Muvizu OK, bug report sent 2 minutes ago.

I add another bug (framerate video/sound + sound quality) in case you don't already know.

2011/6/3 12:52:00
Compatibility: Old set files and the new Muvizu Emily wrote:
Hi OMenor!

That's a bit odd, was the set created in the recent release, or in a previous one?
If possible, please send the set file to, then we can take a look at it.



Hello Emily,

The set I used is included with Muvizu (living room with a yellow-orange-red carpet) and was just customized to fit my needs. I did it with the most recent version of Muvizu _before_ the new 32/64 bits revisions.
I will send the set as soon as I can confirm that it loads back with no problem into the old 32 bits revision (to validate my file is not corrupted in any way).

2011/6/3 11:13:56
Problem with New Upgade You might laugh at it but I also get this bug and I find it very useful : dialog box are too small and not resizable. When you want to browse to find something useful and you don't really know if it exists or where it is, you have to "play" with the scrollbar to find an object/action/whatever. With this bug, you have a great view of what is available and can go straight to what you want.

Muvizu is a big company, now you can say : it is not a bug, it's a feature ! :-)
2011/6/3 10:54:04
Compatibility: Old set files and the new Muvizu Hello,

I also have an issue with the new 64 bits version of Muvizu.

Here is my config (OS & soft) : Windows 7 Pro 64 bits, old 32 bits version of Muvizu still installed, new 64 bits Muvizu installed in another directory.

With the old 32 bit version, I created some time ago a little movie (something like 2 mn) : 1 guy playing piano and singing, 1 girl singing.

I loaded the .set with the new 64 bit Muvizu. All is OK except that in the middle of the movie, the guy stop to play piano and don't move anymore, and the girl sit down (of course, she sit down on nothing) and start to play piano.

It is not very important to me so I did not investigate (try to load back into the 32 bit version to check for example) but it might be useful to know for the Muvizu Team.

2011/2/5 10:14:51
Import Muvizu AVI to Pinnacle Studio Hello,

I try without any success to import my Muvizu files into Pinnacle Studio 14. I need to post-product some of my muvizu movies to add some transitions and special effects before importing the result into a Muvizu TV screen. I work with Windows 7 64 bits.

I tried a lot of codec and video sizes, but Studio does not reconize the file, or play it in a very bad way (CinePAK and Microsoft codec : sound OK when I play with Media player, but a no sount except a very noisy sound (hiss) when import into Studio).
I installed FFDSHOW v1.1.3721 (32 bits version, because 64 bits version is not listed in Muvizu render dialog box when I install it) and tried some codec (DV, MJPEG, uncompressed, HuffYUV) but still no success.

Can you help me ?


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