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Home ? Tech Help ? Failed to load object from file

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10/12/2015 10:19:26

Posts: 110
Now I have been busily learning and trying-out Muvizu for some weeks for a mixed Animated and Human world project.

Yesterday I finally started to work seriously for the project - but since then it has been really "up hill":

Instead of using time to work with the characters and objects nearly all the time has been spent reading error messages like:

- There was an error loading the scene. Failed to load object from file. (and the Muvizu also gave this error for a backup-set it could open before - so I had to go back 2 backups - which I did - but now, after an hour of redoing my work the error happens again) and

- (something like) Cannot save the set. Unknown error. (means: discard my work, start from last backup if Muvizu wants to open it without the above error message)

The set I am working with has got: 1 camera only, 1 character only and 1 object only - and I am within the first 15 seconds of simple movements and head-and-eyes-directions...

My Muvizu version from the about box is: MZASS-v1.6 - build 2015.11.17.01R (64-bit)
10/12/2015 11:22:18

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
The failed to load object from file is a common bug they're fixing at the moment, but the failed to save is something I haven't seen in any recent versions. You might want to send the set in for them to look at:
10/12/2015 14:18:56

Posts: 110
I have sent the set and the DXdiag info through the required "digimania zendisk" way and hope that support received it.

It would be quite understandable if such an error could occur with some non standard third-party imported objects.

In this set, however, there is only one single object: a simple cube from Muvizu's own Create - Abstract - Cube.

It does make me kinda afraid that such an ultra simple thing now has totally stalled any further development of my project until next Muvizu update - whenever that will be - and if it cures the issue.
edited by ritsmer on 10/12/2015
10/12/2015 16:17:59

ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1988
Ritsmer, your problem stems from the simple fact that Muvizu says 'there's a new version available, do you want to download it?' Your answer is yes, when it should be NO. There is no warning (on that little popup screen) to tell you that you are beta testing the new version - v1.6, in this case, which has issues. v1.5 is the last stable working version, and is what I use and will continue to use until the next version is fixed. When a new version is released, download it separately and install it in a different directory than your previous version. If you want to load an old set into the new version, save that set as a NEW copy so you don't corrupt your set file with any glitches the new version may have. This is the only way to safely use Muvizu when it's going through it's development cycle, as we all have discovered.

You can find the download link for v1.5 here :

It doesn't support the Keyframe addon, and you have to use mono 16bit audio files to stop it truncating your mp3s, but other than that it works great. Delete all traces of the current version from your machine before you install the older version, and start your sets again.
10/12/2015 16:52:48

Posts: 110
Support kindly tells me that a new update for the 1.6 version is expected next week - so I will wait and restart from there.

If the issue persists, however, then I will go back to last stable 1.5.1 - hoping it will recognize my saved favorites etc. from 1.6

If not - then I do have something for my Santa wish list :- )
edited by ritsmer on 10/12/2015
13/12/2015 14:52:05

Posts: 55
The failed to load object from file seems to hit randomly. I just had it appear in a set I've saved and loaded multiple times since this error was pointed out. Really looking forward to this patch.
16/12/2015 21:28:13

Posts: 19
i thought it was fixed, but today i encountered "there was an error loading the scene. failed to load object from file".
i'm at update 2015.11.17.01R(64-bit). this update was supposed to have fixed the problem... stan
16/12/2015 21:33:08

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
zadecat wrote:
i thought it was fixed, but today i encountered "there was an error loading the scene. failed to load object from file".
i'm at update 2015.11.17.01R(64-bit). this update was supposed to have fixed the problem... stan

No, this update is the one with the problem, I can give you the links for previous versions if needed, or you can wait for the new version (Apparently coming this week)
16/12/2015 22:51:43

Posts: 19
i was at 2015.11.10.01R when i was having the original problem. then i told to download 2015.11.17.01R that the problem was fixed in that version. the problem disappeared until today. i don't think your QC is what it should be. in any event let me know when i need to update again. thx...stan
17/12/2015 07:14:58

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
Ah ok, I don't have any notes on the Nov 10 version since I skipped it.
Here is 2015.09.22.01R - the most recent stable version:
Here's 2015.11.07.01R - Which, in theory, shouldn't have this problem but does have bugs directing head movement.

I'll post in this thread when there's an update if I remember.
17/12/2015 13:40:32

Posts: 19
thx for the links. i'll wait for the newest version. let me know when it's released.
19/12/2015 06:59:11

Posts: 4

Last week I open a support ticket, to report this problem: "Failed to load object from file".
The support told me that this bug is known, and that the next release, scheduled for this weekend, should fix this bug.

As I was late, I restart my work with great care.
Today I am still stuck with this bug.
My job is unusable, and I feel like I'm wasting my time.

Here's what I found:

- My setup: Windows 10 (64), I5, 8GB, GTX750, Muvizu 2015.11.17.01R_x64.
- I restart with a new installation, and an empty stage.
- I add only the objects supplied with Muvizu (no imported objects of Sketchup).
- I have divided my work into smaller scenes.
- I make multiple backup of these little scenes.

Today, over 10 sets recorded in the week, there are only the first two, which can be opened.
The others are blocked with this error: "Failed to load object from file".

As you suggest in this post, I tried with earlier versions of Muvizu:

- The 2015.09.22.01R_x64 version does not open my files. Error: "This file was created with a newer version."
- The 2015.11.07.01R_x64 version does not open my files. Error: "Failed to load object from file").
- Tested with DirectX 11 and 9 (idem)
- I also tested with my lang (French) and in English (the result is the same).

I was planning a lot of project with this software, but am desperate.

Here are my ideas to improve Muvizu, you may be able to add this:
- Option to force the loading of a file, without loading the defective objects.
- Testing objects at the time to add them to the scene.
- I also have other ideas for improving the use, but I would speak in the corresponding post.

I'm listening to all good ideas that could save my defective files.

Thanks for your help (and sorry for this bad english by Google).
19/12/2015 09:15:18

Posts: 110
THANK YOU winini33 !

Desperate for getting on with my project - stalled by the Muvizu Object load error for over a week now - I tried to follow your idea and changed Muvizu to use to Directx 9. Then saved this and closed Muvizu.

Then, just to be sure that my Windows 7 had not cached anything, I rebooted the PC - and voila: The sets that I could not open before now opens nicely - (so it seems, for now, that is).

Edit: I have now added this to my support ticket about this issue.

More edit: Got the Object error now again - it seems kind of random which sets I can open and which ones give the object error.
edited by ritsmer on 19/12/2015
20/12/2015 04:07:50

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
Add my name to the list of people whose projects are stalled by this error.

I don't know if it's significant, but the last thing I did before the problem started was this:
I wanted to delete one of my characters actions, but I went brain dead and instead of "right-click > delete" I pressed the keyboard's delete button, which effectively deleted ALL that character's actions .. and the character too. Seems like maybe something more benign could be programmed to happen when the delete key is pressed.... like maybe a dialog box that says "CURSE YOUR VERY EXISTENCE? (Y/N)"

When I saw what had happened, I closed Muvizu without saving, hoping that when I opened it back up, my last saved copy would have all my characters and 99% of my work intact. Instead, the project failed to load at all.

Previous messages in the thread indicate that the promised delivery of the fix was sometime last week. So I guess asking for more dates is kind of pointless. The fix will come when it's ready whether I pester or not.

In spite of stuff like this.... I just LOVE this software!!
20/12/2015 06:52:11

Posts: 4
This is a continuation of my previous speech:

It seems that the bug also has a relationship with the head movement of the characters.
Now I can reproduce easily.

Here are the details of my new finding:

I recall the situation:
- It is impossible to open some files with the error "Failed to load object from file"
- It is impossible for me to return to version 2015.09.22.01R because my favorite characters, created with the latest version, are no longer compatible.

Here is how I proceed to reproduce the bug:
- I open two empty windows of Muvizu. One to create a scene, another to check if the file is not damaged.
- In the window 1, I add objects, settings, characters, images, music etc. And I record this scene, the first time.
- Then I go to the window 2. I try to open the first file. It opens easily.
- I'm still in the window 1. I add, cameras, dialogs, and I save under a new name.
- Window 2, I open my new file, it is still good.
- Back window 1, I'm moving the eyes and the head of my characters, and I record.
- Window 2, I note that this last file is rotten.
- Window 1, I just removes the movements of the head, and I keep everything else (eyes, moving, etc.).
- Window 2, my file, without movement of the head, opens again (MIRACLE).

On my other scenes, I remembered that the files are damaged after add of the heads movements.
As a previous version of Muvizu has a problem with the movements of the head, I wanted to look in that direction.

Friends developers of Muvizu , maybe I teach you nothing. You may have already corrected that.
But for us, it's good to know such details before we click to save.

Now I see two possible solutions:
1 - I record my scenes without movement of the head, and I create movements at the last moment, just before publishing.
2 - Someone give me a solution to make my favorite characters, compatible with 2015.09.22.01R release. I tried to replace the header in .fav file (in hexdecimal), but I have not succeeded.

That's all for this morning.

I trust you to fix this quickly.
Bravo for Muvizu.

In french now (i prefer)
Ceci est la suite de mon intervention précédente :

Il semble que le bug ait aussi un rapport avec le mouvement de la tête des personnages.
Maintenant j'arrive à le reproduire facilement.

Voici les détails de mes nouvelles constatations :

Je rappelle la situation :
- Il est impossible d'ouvrir certains fichiers avec l'erreur "Failed to load object from file".
- Il est impossible pour moi de revenir à la version 2015.09.22.01R, parce que mes personnages favoris, créés avec la dernière version, ne sont plus compatibles.

Voici comment je procède pour reproduire le bug :
- J'ouvre deux fenêtres de Muvizu vides. Une pour créer la scène, une autre pour vérifier si le fichier n'est pas endommagé.
- Dans la fenêtre 1, j'ajoute des objets, des décors, des personnages, des images, des musiques etc. Et j'enregistre cette scène, une première fois.
- Ensuite je passe sur la fenêtre 2. J'essaye d'ouvrir ce premier fichier. Il s'ouvre sans problème.
- Je continue dans la fenêtre 1. J'ajoute, des caméras, des déplacements des dialogues, et je sauve sous un nouveau nom.
- Fenêtre 2, j'ouvre mon nouveau fichier, il est encore bon.
- Retour fenêtre 1, Je fais bouger les yeux et la tête de mes personnages, et j'enregistre.
- Fenêtre 2, je constate que ce dernier fichier est pourri.
- Fenêtre 1, je supprime juste les mouvements de la tête, et je garde tout le reste (yeux, déplacement, etc).
- Fenêtre 2, mon fichier, sans les mouvement de la tête, s'ouvre à nouveau (MIRACLE).

Sur mes autres scènes, je me suis rappelé que les fichiers se sont endommagés après avoir ajoutés les mouvements des têtes.
Comme une version précédente de Muvizu avait un problème avec les mouvements de la tête, j'ai voulu chercher dans cette direction.

Amis développeurs de Muvizu, je ne vous apprends peut-être rien. Vous avez peut-être déjà corrigé cela.
Mais c'est bien de connaitre ce genre de détail avant de cliquer sur enregistrer.

Maintenant, j'ai deux solutions possibles :
1 - J'enregistre mes scènes sans mouvement de la tête, et je crée des mouvements au dernier moment, juste avant de publier.
2 - On me donne une solution pour rendre mes personnages favoris, compatibles avec la version 2015.09.22.01R. J'ai déjà essayé de remplacer l'entête des fichiers .fav (en hexdécimal), mais j'ai pas réussi.

C'est tout pour ce matin.

Je vous fais confiance pour réparer cela rapidement.
Bravo pour Muvizu.
20/12/2015 09:23:35

Posts: 4
Small further clarification:

The .set file deteriorates with action "head movement" on characters.
It is systematic, if you move the head, and move a little parts on the timline, and save after this.
With a timeline not modifided (the line named "head"), I have no problem.

I have not tested all the characters, but this is more precise.

To be continued...
edited by winini33 on 20/12/2015
20/12/2015 09:27:14

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
Wow this is some in depth research. I'll have to test your theory out.
With this level of detail you could probably get yourself one of these shiny tester badges.
20/12/2015 10:10:54

Posts: 110
With an error of this magnitude an official statement would be appropriate.

Note: The version, that innocent new and old users users download from the Muvizu Home page is still the faulty 1.6 - and without any warning that as soon as they start using Muvizu seriously they simply get totally stalled.
edited by ritsmer on 20/12/2015
20/12/2015 14:49:32

ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1988
Further to this, has anyone noticed their characters not animating their eye movements when being rendered out? This is happening to me in a v1.5 set, and I'm wondering if that glitch (which is part of the head movement system) has maybe had a knock on effect in v1.6? Removing and redoing the eye movements has no effect, btw.
20/12/2015 18:57:06

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
winini33 wrote:
Small further clarification:

The .set file deteriorates with action "head movement" on characters.
It is systematic, if you move the head, and move a little parts on the timline, and save after this.
With a timeline not modifided (the line named "head"), I have no problem.

I have not tested all the characters, but this is more precise.

yes, now that I look back over my work flow just before I got the error, I do recall that I was working on head movements, and tweaking the timeline was the last thing I did before the project stopped opening.

I guess one workaround would be to save head movements for last, and have a good copy saved before starting to work on them. Also, don't tweak the timeline on any head moves! I figure if I have a project just about done except for head moves, in one sitting I may be able to wrap it up and create the video... that way I won't get caught dead in the water ten minutes away from being finished
20/12/2015 19:22:39

Posts: 31
PatMarrNC wrote:
Add my name to the list of people whose projects are stalled by this error.

I don't know if it's significant, but the last thing I did before the problem started was this:
I wanted to delete one of my characters actions, but I went brain dead and instead of "right-click > delete" I pressed the keyboard's delete button, which effectively deleted ALL that character's actions .. and the character too. Seems like maybe something more benign could be programmed to happen when the delete key is pressed.... like maybe a dialog box that says "CURSE YOUR VERY EXISTENCE? (Y/N)"

When I saw what had happened, I closed Muvizu without saving, hoping that when I opened it back up, my last saved copy would have all my characters and 99% of my work intact. Instead, the project failed to load at all.

Previous messages in the thread indicate that the promised delivery of the fix was sometime last week. So I guess asking for more dates is kind of pointless. The fix will come when it's ready whether I pester or not.

In spite of stuff like this.... I just LOVE this software!!
20/12/2015 19:29:15

Posts: 31
PatMarrNC wrote:
Add my name to the list of people whose projects are stalled by this error.

I don't know if it's significant, but the last thing I did before the problem started was this:
I wanted to delete one of my characters actions, but I went brain dead and instead of "right-click > delete" I pressed the keyboard's delete button, which effectively deleted ALL that character's actions .. and the character too. Seems like maybe something more benign could be programmed to happen when the delete key is pressed.... like maybe a dialog box that says "CURSE YOUR VERY EXISTENCE? (Y/N)"

When I saw what had happened, I closed Muvizu without saving, hoping that when I opened it back up, my last saved copy would have all my characters and 99% of my work intact. Instead, the project failed to load at all.

Previous messages in the thread indicate that the promised delivery of the fix was sometime last week. So I guess asking for more dates is kind of pointless. The fix will come when it's ready whether I pester or not.

In spite of stuff like this.... I just LOVE this software!!

My being a computer systems analyst for over 40 years and having used Muvizu for 2 years, I have asked the support team to warn people when they press the delete key to say "Are you sure you want to delete this character?" But they have not. It is a very common mistake to hit the familiar <Delete Key> when wanting to delete something on the timeline instead of right clicking the <delete> that is provided on the timeline.
20/12/2015 19:43:00

Posts: 31
winini33 wrote:

On my other scenes, I remembered that the files are damaged after add of the heads movements.
As a previous version of Muvizu has a problem with the movements of the head, I wanted to look in that direction.

Did you purchase the key frames option? If so, did you use it in your video? I have not had problems after head movement but have had the problem after using keyframes.
21/12/2015 05:42:07

ukBertyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 975
MarkWaldo wrote:
My being a computer systems analyst for over 40 years and having used Muvizu for 2 years, I have asked the support team to warn people when they press the delete key to say "Are you sure you want to delete this character?" But they have not. It is a very common mistake to hit the familiar <Delete Key> when wanting to delete something on the timeline instead of right clicking the <delete> that is provided on the timeline.

Rather controversially can I request that this is not done please as more clicking just slows animation down.

The few times you do make a mistake you just use the undelete key (Cntl-Z).
21/12/2015 05:54:30

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
For whatever it's worth.. armed with the information presented in this thread, I went back and recreated the project that wouldn't open, and got all the way through with no problems... presumably because I didn't make any timeline edits of head movements. If I wasn't satisfied, I just recorded over it rather than dragging it... recording over head moves didn't cause any problem

I do have the keyframe pack, and there is keyframing in the project, and lots of head moves and eye moves. The only thing I did different was to steadfastly avoid dragging head and eyes moves around on the timeline.

=============== UPDATE ===============

I take it back. Today when I tried to reopen the project after making head moves, I got the dreaded "Failed to load object from file" error again.

So (at least in my case) making no timeline edits did not save the day. In retrospect, I guess the only reason I was able to finish my project is because I added the head moves and then created the video without closing and then reopening the project file.
edited by PatMarrNC on 21/12/2015
26/12/2015 19:46:53

Posts: 3
I am having this same problem. I hope it can be fixed soon, I was looking forward to editing on this boring day.
27/12/2015 14:37:47

Posts: 19
as far as i am concerned, the QC stinks, the support is almost as bad, no one seems to able to isolate the problem. so i work and i save often, so when problem occurs i don't have to go to far back. it's like the automatic backup procedures of the 1960's. anyhow i'm not prepared to change my version until i get assurances that the latest version is reliable...
27/12/2015 15:46:25

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
zadecat wrote:
as far as i am concerned, the QC stinks, the support is almost as bad, no one seems to able to isolate the problem. so i work and i save often, so when problem occurs i don't have to go to far back. it's like the automatic backup procedures of the 1960's. anyhow i'm not prepared to change my version until i get assurances that the latest version is reliable...

Regarding QC and support: I'd have to disagree. This isn't a huge corporation with deep pockets (like Microsoft). Small companies need to be lean in order to survive, especially when the flagship product only costs $29 USD, and most of their customers are probably using the free version. I think the level of support for a company this size is outstanding!

Small companies also tend to have a handful of "key people" who drive the technology and solve the problems. Unless they're paid well, they tend to get discouraged and quit when the work load gets overwhelming. Since it is in the users' best interest for the product to remain active, heaping stress on the key people is counter productive. Tracking down and fixing software problems (especially in code that originated with another programmer) can be time consuming.

related trivia: when Microsoft was rising to the top, their strategy for defeating competitors was to simply hire the competitor's "key person", after which the company usually went belly up.
27/12/2015 19:23:37

Posts: 31
Concerning technical support, I agree that this is a small company with few people talented enough to solve problems. The one thing I find fault with Support is very simple. They don't respond to this forum showing their status in solving the problems and sometimes not even mentioning there are problems unless you contact them individually. For the past 2 years I have noticed almost no comments from support acknowledging they are working on anything. And if they do make a comment, it is very cryptic with few, if any, details. To make an assumption by us users that they may not even know where the problem is, is going beyond your knowledge to even make that statement. You don't know where they are at in the solving of issues. The one thing I want from the support team that is very simple to do is to state to this forum continuous updates to where they are at in solving the issues. It is not enough just to respond to those who put in a request for support and get a support ticket. For the majority of us to just sit here fiddling our thumbs not knowing even if support is working on the problem becomes very, very frustrating. Communication is the key here. Please, Support, keep us informed and not in the dark. To say that Muvizu+ costs only $29, I paid a lot more for it when it wasn't on sale. The cost of the program is not an issue. The number of customers using Muvizu is the issue. With all of us hanging around wondering when an update is going to come out and not knowing the status of the solution of the problem is not doing Support nor us any good. Too much frustration can cause many to leave Muvizu behind and look for other ways of expressing our ideas. I, for one, intend to stick with Muvizu in thick or thin. I just want Support to keep in current communication with the rest of us. That's all.
27/12/2015 21:50:44

Posts: 19
gentlemen, i'm very happy with the product. the $29 was a bargain. it's the frustration i feel when we are provided with inaccurate information. i was told in the version i'm working with (15.11.17 01R) had corrected the problem. but that is not true. in reading the other posts i have seen other versions that were supposedly running okay. misinformation is not good customer support. better to use the generic "it's under review" or "we're working on it", than inaccurate information. i love the product. i'll work around the bugs. i build my animations in segments then put them together in a video editor. i save the work i'm doing every 5 minutes or so...
28/12/2015 05:55:28

Posts: 4
I had a small project to finish before Christmas, and because of this bug, I wanted to stop everything and throw this software.
But once I located this, I completed my project without any destruction of files.

I have checked, and I confirm what I said earlier:

This bug is located precisely around the time-line on the "head movements".
A file without "head movements" for characters has no problem.
If you adds some "head movements" without touching the time-line, you can save the file, it will be good.
If you slightly adjust the position of "head movements" on the timeline, the saved file is dead, will no longer open.
If you remove the line "movement of the head" in time-line, and if you save the file, it remains healthy.

I have communicated this information to the support, and they assure me.
"An update is planned before the end of the year."

MarkWaldo wrote:
Did you purchase the key frames option? If so, did you use it in your video? I have not had problems after head movement but have had the problem after using keyframes.

No, I do not have the Key frame option, and it is possible that it does not improve things, as key frame can change the time (but this must be check).

Although this forum remains for users, The support answer every time. What is unfortunate is that this information is not reported at the time downloading the software. And new users may be surprised or disappointed.
28/12/2015 08:10:54

Posts: 110
winini33 wrote:

I have communicated this information to the support, and they assure me.
"An update is planned before the end of the year."

Couple of weeks ago support wrote: We've had several reports of the "Failed to load object from file" error and we have a fix for this. We expect to release an update to Muvizu in the next week.

Since Muvizu is such a brilliant piece of software and becoming more and more used for serious work where you make real time planning etc. it is impossible that we have got absolutely NO official info from the (great) Muvizu team.
Here we have been downloading the "latest" Muvizu Play+ each and every day for over a week now just to find that it is still the version with the error.

It is also most surprising that the software offered for download is still the version with this serious error so that it is only a question of time before new and expectant users bang their foreheads against this wall.

I agree with PatMarrNC that a small organization can not have a QC like M$ - but here in 2015/16 some valid communication is a keyword in keeping up good customer relations.

And I do not consider communication like "Next week" given over a longer period of time as adequate.

But, obviously there is some hope - today Support wrote: It's been about a week since we last heard from you, so I'm going to mark this ticket as solved.
edited by ritsmer on 28/12/2015
28/12/2015 16:00:31

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
the scenario of promises that come and go without being kept usually comes from one of 4 things:

1) managers try to put heat on the employee by not accepting the real time estimate, and making a public promise that results will come sooner than the programmer told them. Apparently the thinking is that the salaried programmer will work longer hours for no additional pay in order to preserve his/her reputation. I hope this isn't the case, because that's a good way to run your employees off.

2) The problem turned out to be more complicated than they thought. This is usually the case. Especially in software development, changing one thing frequently affects other things, so it becomes a time-consuming process of change-test... change-test until no more new errors are generated. But the users always find new problems that the beta testers didn't catch.

3) the programmers are evil, and they delight in making people wait even though they've had the problem fixed for weeks. ( I hope nobody thinks this is the case)

Bottom line, this is a case where support can't possibly offer a guaranteed date, and pushing for answers only leads to reason #4:

4) programmer is being pushed by managers and customers, and tells people what they want to hear so they stop distracting him/her from trying to actually solve the problem.;

The answer to the question is self-evident: if there isn't a new version available, it ain't fixed yet. And nobody working on the problem knows when all the related issues will be identified and corrected, so pushing for a concrete date is an exercise in futility and frustration... not only for users but also for MUVIZU.

standard disclaimers: this is only my opinion, not universal truth. Your mileage may vary. There are probably other scenarios that lead to false promise dates. My opinion does not presume that other posters are wrong. I highly value the intellect and good intentions of all forum members and fully understand that what they report is true
28/12/2015 16:31:10

Posts: 86
I've been in the software business for 48 years. You hit it right on the head. Everyone wants
options, functions today. As do I. Muvizu, take your time and fix it. I understand schedules, features and release dates. There never seems to be enough time to do it, but there is always time to redo it.
Take your time. Be a turtle, not a hare.
28/12/2015 16:31:53

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
wdeprospo wrote:
I've been in the software business for 48 years. You hit it right on the head. Everyone wants
options, functions today. As do I. Muvizu, take your time and fix it. I understand schedules, features and release dates. There never seems to be enough time to do it, but there is always time to redo it.
Take your time. Be a turtle, not a hare.

What He Said
28/12/2015 17:06:28

Posts: 31
winini33 wrote:
I had a small project to finish before Christmas, and because of this bug, I wanted to stop everything and throw this software.
But once I located this, I completed my project without any destruction of files.

I have checked, and I confirm what I said earlier:

This bug is located precisely around the time-line on the "head movements".
A file without "head movements" for characters has no problem.
If you adds some "head movements" without touching the time-line, you can save the file, it will be good.
If you slightly adjust the position of "head movements" on the timeline, the saved file is dead, will no longer open.
If you remove the line "movement of the head" in time-line, and if you save the file, it remains healthy.

I have communicated this information to the support, and they assure me.
"An update is planned before the end of the year."

MarkWaldo wrote:
Did you purchase the key frames option? If so, did you use it in your video? I have not had problems after head movement but have had the problem after using keyframes.

No, I do not have the Key frame option, and it is possible that it does not improve things, as key frame can change the time (but this must be check).

Although this forum remains for users, The support answer every time. What is unfortunate is that this information is not reported at the time downloading the software. And new users may be surprised or disappointed.

Sorry. I was totally wrong. After careful review, I found the problem happened after I put in head movement and was not a result of using keyframes. On every set where I used head movement, the set would no longer load. My workaround is to either not use head movement or to save the set to a different file before making any head movements and then add head movements and then render before closing the set, knowing that once I get out of that set, that set will no longer be retrievable. I, of course, look at the finished product before closing that set in case any adjustments needed to be made and then re-render. Once I am satisfied, I close the set that has the head movements. I still have the pre-head movement file in case I need it again.
28/12/2015 17:18:28

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
I find that there are always lots of project-related tasks on my "to-do" list. I've been using this lull time by working on aspects of my project that don't require head moves. I can add them later in a few minutes.

Character and set design is another good way to use the time between point A and point B
29/12/2015 16:15:04

Posts: 110
The head-movements are not the full explanation, however.
In a "lull-time" project that I made - thinking that I would not switch off my PC or close the Muvizu set until after the resulting video was made - I have had several head movements, which -after the directing- even have been moved extensively, deleted and redone etc on the time-line in order to adjust to the speech synchronization.
Just for fun I have saved the set a couple of times and tried to reopen it in a parallel Muvizu instance expecting it to give the Load Error -
but no!! it just works as it should.

When I talk about an official statement I mean something like: Guys - we have found an error that shows up so and so - therefore: please do not do this and that in Muvizu..

Also being a former software company owner myself - I dare say that after an error of such a magnitude has been known for weeks - then it should be well established what the problem is and how and when it will be solved - alternatively "We ain't got a clue and the key programmer is on a 4-week honeymoon" ...

Just letting the customers hang for weeks without anything but deep silence spiced with some rumors about "next week" - then "the week after" - is - in my humble opinion - perhaps not quite the right way to deal with such serious issues.

I will now put the Muvizu projects aside and start another quite interesting project - this one with human actors buying time-and-space twisting apps to their mobile phones, and where only some unfortunate skiing holidays may disturb our timetables :- ))
So I'll be back somewhere near the end of March - and all the time until then I will look forward to restart working with Muvizu - which really is an astonishing piece of software adding incredible creative possibilities to my future film making.
edited by ritsmer on 29/12/2015
10/01/2016 20:00:37

Posts: 3
This bug is driving me crazy and I am giving up on Muvizu until they fix it. So many hours lost ... this program is far to buggy to be productive
10/01/2016 20:21:43

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
gellofish wrote:
This bug is driving me crazy and I am giving up on Muvizu until they fix it. So many hours lost ... this program is far to buggy to be productive

If you find the problems in the latest version are too severe, you might want to use the September release:
This version won't be able to open any sets made in newer versions, and doesn't have keyframing, but it doesn't have any problems with sets being lost like this.
10/01/2016 20:37:14

Posts: 3
MrDrWho13 wrote:
gellofish wrote:
This bug is driving me crazy and I am giving up on Muvizu until they fix it. So many hours lost ... this program is far to buggy to be productive

If you find the problems in the latest version are too severe, you might want to use the September release:
This version won't be able to open any sets made in newer versions, and doesn't have keyframing, but it doesn't have any problems with sets being lost like this.

I need to be able to open a current file. I haven't used Muvizu in ages but decided to do a little project over the weekend ... now unable to open and i am not re doing the whole lot!
10/01/2016 20:38:29

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
gellofish wrote:
MrDrWho13 wrote:
gellofish wrote:
This bug is driving me crazy and I am giving up on Muvizu until they fix it. So many hours lost ... this program is far to buggy to be productive

If you find the problems in the latest version are too severe, you might want to use the September release:
This version won't be able to open any sets made in newer versions, and doesn't have keyframing, but it doesn't have any problems with sets being lost like this.

I need to be able to open a current file. I haven't used Muvizu in ages but decided to do a little project over the weekend ... now unable to open and i am not re doing the whole lot!

You could either wait for an update, or send your set file into support to see if they can recover it:
12/01/2016 01:43:43

Posts: 19
haven't had this problem in a while, but today it occurred after i did some head and camera movements. it didn't bother me til i went to some backup files that i create just in case the "fail to load" occurs. guess the backup would not load and several other files would not load. i guessed because there was as character overlap it rejected all the files containing that character. this problem really needs your attention, if your system finds a character corrupted in "set" it should not deem it to be corrupt in previous iterations. if this type of problem keeps occurring you'll be out of business before long. i'm very disappointed that you have solved this problem. you've had plenty of time...
12/01/2016 22:02:17

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
I know that sometimes the core problem can't be identified and fixed in a timely manner. The key frustration to users is that they invested a lot of time in projects that can't be reopened in the current version for one reason, and also can't be opened in the last stable version due to file format differences.

Until the core problem is fixed, it would be helpful if the Muvizu team could release a utility program that converts sets from the current format to the last stable version's format. That way, people could pick up where they left off, but in an earlier stable version of Muvizu.

If Muvizu doesn't have time or resources to do it, maybe there are some geeks here with hex editors who could take an old set, copy it, open it in the latest version and save it.. then compare the two sets for differences. maybe we'll get lucky and the differences are minor
13/01/2016 16:03:10

Posts: 2
Add my name to this list as well
Super software, but if you can load and save properly, its a major problem
18/01/2016 16:37:50

Posts: 110
New version 2016.01.15 available.
18/01/2016 16:38:40

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
ritsmer wrote:
New version 2016.01.15 available.

Oh thanks, I'll have a look later.
19/01/2016 00:25:49

Posts: 19
i loaded the new version & tested it against a set that did not in the old version & voila it loaded. congrats...
19/01/2016 09:58:41

Posts: 3
I can confirm also that a previous project that would not load works on the new version. Many thanks!!
19/01/2016 18:47:46

Posts: 12
Worst bug ever
20/01/2016 15:55:53

Posts: 110
WARNING: After a full days happy work without any issues I allowed myself a short pause and closed the Muvizu project.

Opening it again I got the dreaded: "Failed to load object from file." which should be solved with the last Muvizu version.

It seems that the last 3 "saves" with a different name do have this error. The "saves" from before noon can open.

Older .set files from December 2015 with this error do open well in the new version - but not some substantially more complicated ones, that I made today.

I will send the .set to support for further investigation.
edited by ritsmer on 20/01/2016
20/01/2016 16:58:49

Posts: 12
Its still happening, please fix it!
20/01/2016 19:16:07

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
ritsmer wrote:
WARNING: After a full days happy work without any issues I allowed myself a short pause and closed the Muvizu project.

Opening it again I got the dreaded: "Failed to load object from file." which should be solved with the last Muvizu version.

It seems that the last 3 "saves" with a different name do have this error. The "saves" from before noon can open.

Older .set files from December 2015 with this error do open well in the new version - but not some substantially more complicated ones, that I made today.

I will send the .set to support for further investigation.
edited by ritsmer on 20/01/2016

did you make changes to any head/eye moves on the time line? Overwriting or appending or rearranging?
20/01/2016 23:17:41

Posts: 19
i have not had the load problem with new update, but i have the ability to move my camera under direct mode and the video image is very dark. but it look correct after i've made the video and played it back through my editor. but the loss of camera movement is terrible...
21/01/2016 01:37:36

Posts: 19
i just checked a previous project that had camera movement. when i tried to move the camera now, it's not working. in this new version
2015.01.15.01R camera movement is not working. i have not had any loading problems yet.
21/01/2016 06:43:21

Posts: 1
ritsmer wrote:
New version 2016.01.15 available.

This version has the same issue. I have spent countless hours doing and re doing a simple scene over and over only to have it fail to load. I have resorted to taking a screen shot of every scene as I finish it in order to continue which reqiures duplicating the entire set and picking up where I left off.
In addition I have also resorted to creating place markers on my sets for my characters so I can position them where they were so I have no jump from scene to scene. This is the single most irritating thing I have dealt with in my entire time in Video production. To not be able to re use a scene is not gonna work for me. I may move on to another software that doesn't require me to build a new set every time I have to use the program.
21/01/2016 07:22:16

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
ZenMediaAnimation wrote:
ritsmer wrote:
New version 2016.01.15 available.

This version has the same issue. I have spent countless hours doing and re doing a simple scene over and over only to have it fail to load. I have resorted to taking a screen shot of every scene as I finish it in order to continue which reqiures duplicating the entire set and picking up where I left off.
In addition I have also resorted to creating place markers on my sets for my characters so I can position them where they were so I have no jump from scene to scene. This is the single most irritating thing I have dealt with in my entire time in Video production. To not be able to re use a scene is not gonna work for me. I may move on to another software that doesn't require me to build a new set every time I have to use the program.

Since the problems seems to be with head movements; save your set before doing head movements, then save another version with head movements and render this.(The second one won't recover)
If you do this, you shouldn't have to re-build sets, just re-add head movements.
21/01/2016 07:42:46

Posts: 110
PatMarrNC wrote:
ritsmer wrote:
WARNING: After a full days happy work without any issues I allowed myself a short pause and closed the Muvizu project.

Opening it again I got the dreaded: "Failed to load object from file." which should be solved with the last Muvizu version.

It seems that the last 3 "saves" with a different name do have this error. The "saves" from before noon can open.

Older .set files from December 2015 with this error do open well in the new version - but not some substantially more complicated ones, that I made today.

I will send the .set to support for further investigation.
edited by ritsmer on 20/01/2016

did you make changes to any head/eye moves on the time line? Overwriting or appending or rearranging?

Yes: a lot of head movements (50+) for 2 different characters - but no eye movements AFIK. To this also many rearrangements of character actions.

I have submitted a new Failure-to-load .set file to Support for scrutinizing.
21/01/2016 07:56:18

Posts: 110
MrDrWho13 wrote:
ZenMediaAnimation wrote:
ritsmer wrote:
New version 2016.01.15 available.

This version has the same issue. I have spent countless hours doing and re doing a simple scene over and over only to have it fail to load. I have resorted to taking a screen shot of every scene as I finish it in order to continue which reqiures duplicating the entire set and picking up where I left off.
In addition I have also resorted to creating place markers on my sets for my characters so I can position them where they were so I have no jump from scene to scene. This is the single most irritating thing I have dealt with in my entire time in Video production. To not be able to re use a scene is not gonna work for me. I may move on to another software that doesn't require me to build a new set every time I have to use the program.

Since the problems seems to be with head movements; save your set before doing head movements, then save another version with head movements and render this.(The second one won't recover)
If you do this, you shouldn't have to re-build sets, just re-add head movements.

Easier said than done - in some cases, at least: I'm working with an animated 4-person rock band - and of course they do look at each other, at the public, at their instruments etc. so this gives a lot of head movements - and as it mostly must be in time with the beat of the music there comes a lot of rearrangements too.

Just these movements are several hours of filigree work that can not just be re-added :- )
21/01/2016 07:58:20

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
ritsmer wrote:
MrDrWho13 wrote:
ZenMediaAnimation wrote:
ritsmer wrote:
New version 2016.01.15 available.

This version has the same issue. I have spent countless hours doing and re doing a simple scene over and over only to have it fail to load. I have resorted to taking a screen shot of every scene as I finish it in order to continue which reqiures duplicating the entire set and picking up where I left off.
In addition I have also resorted to creating place markers on my sets for my characters so I can position them where they were so I have no jump from scene to scene. This is the single most irritating thing I have dealt with in my entire time in Video production. To not be able to re use a scene is not gonna work for me. I may move on to another software that doesn't require me to build a new set every time I have to use the program.

Since the problems seems to be with head movements; save your set before doing head movements, then save another version with head movements and render this.(The second one won't recover)
If you do this, you shouldn't have to re-build sets, just re-add head movements.

Easier said than done - in some cases, at least: I'm working with an animated 4-person rock band - and of course they do look at each other, at the public, at their instruments etc. so this gives a lot of head movements - and as it mostly must be in time with the beat of the music there comes a lot of rearrangements too.

Just these movements are several hours of filigree work that can not just be re-added :- )

I know it's tedious, but I think it's a bit more convenient than having to rebuild a set from scratch.
edited by MrDrWho13 on 21/01/2016
21/01/2016 08:05:31

Posts: 110
Perfectly right... but I think I will return to my other projects with human actors for a while - they don't die just simply from shaking their heads. .. in most cases, that is ...
21/01/2016 10:53:56

ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1988
ZenMediaAnimation wrote:
ritsmer wrote:
New version 2016.01.15 available.

This version has the same issue. I have spent countless hours doing and re doing a simple scene over and over only to have it fail to load. I have resorted to taking a screen shot of every scene as I finish it in order to continue which reqiures duplicating the entire set and picking up where I left off.
In addition I have also resorted to creating place markers on my sets for my characters so I can position them where they were so I have no jump from scene to scene. This is the single most irritating thing I have dealt with in my entire time in Video production. To not be able to re use a scene is not gonna work for me. I may move on to another software that doesn't require me to build a new set every time I have to use the program.

Use v1.5 instead. No keyframing, but other than that it works.

It's right here :
21/01/2016 17:21:22

Posts: 12
Guys I dont usually write threads or comment in the forum but this is going too far. Please fix this problem asap. It would have been better if the muvizu "community management" if any, listened to our feedback and gave us hope in telling us that they are sorting it out and the next update is soon. The end of year update was a total disaster but we assumed the muvizu team was polishing out the glitches only to be disappointed after learning that they failed to fix it in the 2016.01.15 update.
I am an online game developer and I know these things happen but at-least have the courtesy to explain to your valued users that you are working on a solution and when the next update is. Keeping us in the dark makes us start thinking of other solutions which involves using programs that "LOAD OBJECTS FROM FILE".
I sit on a board where I recommended this software and funds were allocated to buy license keys and packs to animate a 13 episode series of 24 min each. Am just stating this so as to show you how much of an inconvenience this has been to your users' projects around the world. Such projects cannot wait so professional people simply move on to other softwares. I personally wouldn't want to move to another software but it seems if such irritating problems persist I will be forced to.
I have been reading this thread and all I see are temporary solutions given by well wishers and I would find it embarrassing if amongst those so called "well wishers' temporary solutions" are muvizu officials. Give us an official muvizu assurance that all is under control and other sensible users like me will stick around.
21/01/2016 17:42:30

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
As a beta tester and active participant on a number of software forums, it has been my experience that most USERS want communication from the company to come through the forum... whereas most software COMPANIES consider the forum to be a playground for users, and oftentimes don't monitor it at all.

But they all have a dedicated support team, and that is where they dedicate their resources. So anybody who wants official statements from just about ANY software company should stop looking on the forum (where you're mostly going to find two groups posting: "well wishers with workarounds" and "angry disappointed customers", neither of which groups offers a company sponsored point of view) and go directly to the company's SUPPORT team, where you are more likely to get an official response.
22/01/2016 07:55:38

Posts: 12
PatMarrNC I had already written to "support" a couple of times since last year but thanx for the advice anyway
Not that this is related to this problem but I'd like to believe its partly triggered by how this "failed to load object from file" problem was handled. I follow the muvizu blog even though it comes very rear and I never find helpful info there. I also read all news letters but they are always selling us something too. The youtube channel was last updated 3-4 years ago, facebook page has one post a month and mostly they are selling us stuff there too.
Look at it this way, the forum is like the press, the newspaper, the reflection of the users sentiments. When am pissed and anyone who's pissed like me will relate when they read my comments and we all stop pouring money to people who don't care to talk to us. A decrease in sells teaches developers to at-least apologize when they screw up, instead of forcing users to have to contact their support team to ask how they can fix their screw ups!
If you didn't know guys, tech support is out sourced these days, it can be a guy in India or Bangladesh you are talking to and all they do is give you standard pre written answers. If muvizu is looking at making it big in this industry, they need to talk to us because we make them who they are.
22/01/2016 08:01:43

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
Brucik wrote:
If you didn't know guys, tech support is out sourced these days, it can be a guy in India or Bangladesh you are talking to and all they do is give you standard pre written answers. If muvizu is looking at making it big in this industry, they need to talk to us because we make them who they are.

I understand your point, but I'd like to point out that Muvizu isn't a very big corporation. It's just a small company in Glasgow. Also the support team aren't outsourced as far as I know (Jamie's been around since I joined the forum in 2011 I think.).
However I would like to hear what they have to say about this.
edited by MrDrWho13 on 22/01/2016
22/01/2016 08:29:08

Posts: 12
MrDrWho13 wrote:
Muvizu isn't a very big corporation. It's just a small company in Glasgow.

I love muvizu and with a little community management here and there, it has a potential of being huge!
22/01/2016 08:34:05

Posts: 110
Brucik wrote:
I love muvizu and with a little community management here and there, it has a potential of being huge!

edited by ritsmer on 22/01/2016
22/01/2016 16:57:14

Muvizu_AdminMuvizu staff
Posts: 100
We had several reports of the unable to load object from file error and we were able to find a fix for the specific set files that were sent in. Unfortunately due to other business demands we had to delay the release of this fix from mid-December until mid-January.

We are aware of the on going issue and we're working to fix it now, if you have a .set file where this happens can you email it to and we can use that to identify the problem.

We're also working to fix the video import issue and the camera movement issue that has been reported to us.

We are a very small company and we find that dealing with emails on a one to one basis lets us manage and reply to users issues more efficiently than trying to manage several issues from several users across several forum threads. We take the time to read the forum and your feedback regularly forms the basis of our on going development plan, but on the whole the forum is here for the community and we try not to get in the way of the wonderful discussions and creative processes that are beautifully illustrated here.
22/01/2016 17:01:51

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
Thanks for the response.
23/01/2016 09:06:43

Posts: 12
Thanx for blessing us with your presence Muvizu_Admin.
Quick question, soooooo... when is the next release exactly?
edited by Brucik on 23/01/2016
08/02/2016 07:32:26

Posts: 2

j'avais le même erreur pendant 3 jours , donc j'ai perdu plusieurs heures de travail, heureusement que j'ai fait plusieurs versions lors de l'enregistrement.
enfin j'ai trouvé une astuce pour pouvoir avancer dans mon travail.
bref l'erreur est effectivement liée à la partie là ou on ajoute les mouvements de la tête et peut être des yeux des personnages, donc pour éviter de l'avoir lors de l'ouverture de votre projet la prochaine fois, essayer d’enregistrer tout les mouvement de la tête du personnage d'un seul coup, pas de reprise, car si je reviens à une mouvement de tête que je n'ai pas apprécier, et que je l’écrase avec une autre , tout se passe correctement bien entendu mais quand vous fermez le projet et vous essayer de l'ouvrir de nouveau vous auriez le fameux message d'erreur:

impossible de charger un objet à partir du fichier.

donc si vous avez fait une erreur au milieu de l'enregistrement des mouvements de la tête d'une personnage , recréer le tout.

j’espère que cela peut résoudre votre problème, en attendant un correctif avec un petit bonus ( un chat qui marche sur ses 4 pattes par exemple)

18/11/2016 21:18:22

Posts: 9
Hi all,

I've run into the Failure to Load Object problem with the first real project I worked on. I'm using what I assume to be the latest release of the product (which is pretty awesome).
No head movements that I'm aware of.
I do have 4 cameras with keyframed movement.
Is that the problem and do I need to just go ahead and rebuild the scene staying away from the use of that many cameras?
Or is it the keyframing that causes the glitch?
18/11/2016 21:44:52

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
I think you'll need to contact support, it definitely sounds like a bug but I've not seen it in a long time.
18/11/2016 22:02:39

ikesMuvizu mogul
Posts: 282
You can also try to remove 3 cameras and save it as a set with another name and reload it. See if that changes anything, it is possible that your computer can't handle that many cameras. You don't actually need that many cameras. You can switch possitions instantly with the stepped icon
19/11/2016 04:33:05

Posts: 9
OK, I'll try contacting support again, maybe directly by email this time instead of via the site. That way I can send them the file.

Can't open the file to remove a camera but I'll try to recreate it a few times with different numbers of cameras and keyframe/non-keyframing to see if I can at least isolate the cause.

One other thing I thought might be a possibility was that I used an mp3 for the voices and I saw later that wav files are what's recommended.
Not sure if importing audio actually takes the file into the set or if it references the audio from a folder location. I tried replacing the file in the folder with a few different versions ( I believe they were wav, mp3 @ 16 bit, and vorbis) as well as renaming those files w/ .mp3 in case the set file looked for it specifically. Not sure how thorough I was in that attempt but it was 4 in the morning and wasn't having any luck.

Ideas are welcome.

19/11/2016 06:45:20

ukBertyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 975
There is a lurking bug still in there which can cause this situation.

If you craft a model in a certain way (and I can't remember or never knew exactly how) then Muvizu will let you import it but then won't let you open the set which contains such an object. There is no known cure apart from to start again.

To prevent this happening I always "sandbox" any new objects that I'm not 100% sure of. I run a 2nd copy of Muvizu and import all new objects into this. Once I'm sure I can save and reload a set (which doesn't take that long as it's virtually empty) I then load it into my bigger set.

This also overcomes the occasional Muvizu crash when loading dodgy objects.

It's a pain, but it saves time and tears in the long run.
19/11/2016 07:45:55

Posts: 9
Hmm, maybe I applied a texture to a character that was for the wrong UV map? Dunno if I did that or not but I don't think I did any modifications beyond changing their clothes... Which I did rather clumsily. For instance, maybe putting on an outfit before removing their existing clothes causes a problem. I seem to remember putting a suit on a character without first removing his clothes. It looked fine but I went ahead and selected the empty boxes for Top and Legs because I figured I shouldn't have useless polygons floating around unseen. I'll have to try and remember what order to get dressed in
Nope nevermind.. just went and tried a few different ways of getting clothes on/off decals etc... The file still opens.
Sandboxing is still a good idea.
I've started saving new versions of the file every time I change something.
Hopefully tech support is able to come up with something.
31/01/2017 15:55:01

Posts: 19
Hey guys, I'm just having the same problem...
Please let me know when this thing is solved.
10/02/2017 19:41:33

Posts: 92
I just got nailed by this bug & sending the file to support...
13/02/2017 17:24:51

Posts: 92
Here is the reply from Support:

Jamie Hill (Digimania Ltd)
13 Feb, 10:36 WET
Hi ,
Thanks for sending your set to me. There is nothing I can do to recover it. Once this error happens it is the end for the file.
The best practice is to save incremental versions, such as -001, -002, etc
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