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17/02/2011 13:32:18

Posts: 107
I know that the system has been set up with only one backing sound line and one vocal line, which means that if you are insane enough to try animating a vocal quartet, the mouths will be a real mess.

Would it be possible for a 'workaround' by having the different sound lines (alto, bass, backing and lead) recorded one after the other in the spoken track and then to select where you wish the character to start singing (or speaking) from? You then mute this whole section and just 'pump up the volume' on the main track, which is the full quartet.
Any good or too tricky?


PS. Copeland did a Barbershop Quintet, so consider yourselves lucky... Whaaaaa?
17/02/2011 14:00:08

NeilExperimental userMuvizu staff
Posts: 396
Actually, it's currently setup with one dialogue track, three background audio tracks, and one sound effects track. Characters will only lipsynch to the dialogue track, but you can tell individual characters to "talk or shush" for a period of time. The key thing here is that there's only one set of lipsynched audio, so you can't have one character's mouth saying one thing while another character's mouth says something else, so I don't think what you're after is currently possible.

However, a future version of Muvizu will have a separate dialogue track for each character.
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Home ? Tips & Tricks ? Multiple Sounds