- Unsubscribe from Muvizu emails

Muvizu sends out 3 types of emails.

TypeDescriptionUnsubscribe Action
NewsletterThe Muvizu newsletter keeps you up to date with all things Muvizu and lets you know when there is a update available. To stay in the know its worth receiving theseIf you want to stop receiving our newsletter, just go to the bottom of the newsletter email and click on the unsubscribe link there.
Account notificationsThese notifications include private messages you receiving on as well as notifications of updates to anyone you watch on the site.To stop receiving account notifications, login to your account and click on your username in the top right hand corner. Then click on My Account and go to the bottom of the page. Here you will find a check box to disable account notification emails.
Forum thread repliesYou can subscribe to a forum thread to receive a email notification of a reply by another user on that thread, there is a link in the top right hand corner of the forum thread page to subscribe or unsubscribe from itTo stop receiving forum thread reply notifications, just go to the forum thread (when you are logged in) and on the right hand corner, above the first message or below the last message on the page, you'll find a link to unsubscribe from thread reply notificaitons.