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Home ? How Do I ...? ? Long Dresses, No Slit

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03/12/2016 23:53:41

Posts: 10
I am in need of some long dresses for an early 1900's project where the women wore long dresses and bonnets... the headscarf will work for the bonnet, but I need to find some long dresses, or how I can make them, if it's possible. Thank you.
04/12/2016 03:35:42

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
can you post a photo of what you want?
04/12/2016 13:35:07

Posts: 10

clothing of the men and women like this would be great.... don't know if it's possible though.
thank you
04/12/2016 14:18:39

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
making characters like this would require attachments to simulate the baggy clothes.... but here's the problem you'll have with them:

The characters' arm and leg movements will intersect with the baggy clothes. When the women walk, their legs will extend past their skirts. When ankles bend , the legs will intersect with the tops of high boots.

In order to make it work, you'd have to frame shots so the intersections aren't facing the camera, or they'
ll be really obvious. Scenes where the characters are not walking or moving their arms much will be your best bet

If you wanted to make posed shots without much/any movement, yes, it would be totally possible

I may go ahead an make a set of such characters and post it to the store because I have plans for an American civil war story, which could use the period outfits
04/12/2016 17:36:24

Posts: 10
That would be great!!! The characters are teachers that stand in one spot and don't move, other than arms, head, and eye's movement... the project is for young children and these characters just ask some questions at the end of an instructional video. If you post them on the muvizu store, I am willing to pay for your efforts. Thank you greatly
04/12/2016 18:03:35

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
in order to help me avoid working on the wrong characters, it would be helpful if you'd isolate specific characters to recreate.
05/12/2016 02:26:43

Posts: 359
I am working on a Christmas project and it will include scenes from Civil War era public domain images. I am hoping to have it finished in time for Christmas. I might also be interested in your clothing, Pat. Are there top hats available, too? I think my characters would mostly be sitting or standing without much movement.

I hope this gives you more incentive to create something.
05/12/2016 03:19:08

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
I'll make sure the set contains a top hat!
05/12/2016 04:17:14

Posts: 10

something like this would be nice, this site has a lot of choices. Thank you so much, this is truly
05/12/2016 15:31:33

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
one thing I can't do is make the puffy sleeves... there's no way to make sleeves and pantlegs follow the angles created when arms and legs bend. That's why clothing in this environment is painted onto skins that lie directly on the character's surface.
05/12/2016 17:19:56

Posts: 10
No problem, what ever you can do is awesome!!!
06/12/2016 05:47:23

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
before I put a lot of work into this, here is a screen save of one outfit. When the character is at rest, the hands are inside the skirt, and many poses cause the legs to come out of the skirt. I will also add a link to the set so you can DL it and play with it to see if it will work

I think you'll find that it has limited usefulness, and I have mixed feelings about spending the time necessary to make whole set of characters with limited application. Please try it and let me know your thoughts