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How To Organise Your Files And Muvizu Video Assets

When making a Muvizu video - particularly a longer, more complex video or an ongoing series of videos - or indeed when making any kind of multimedia presentation, it's easy to link to files without thinking about where they are saved or to move / delete an asset because you've forgotten where it is or what the file does when clearing out some hard drive space or whatever.

With this in mind, it is recommended that you designate a folder somewhere specifically to Muvizu videos and that you implement and maintain a rigid file structure, complete with sensible naming conventions.

Of course everyone likes to categorise and organise things in their own way, but if you're looking for a good way to sort your Muvizu assets then the following structure is a good one to put in place inside a folder for a specific video (if you're running a series of videos, it'd be best practice to have this file structure in place for each "episode"):

This covers most of the type of files you would be likely to use in any Muvizu video. A breakdown of what type of files you could place within this structure is as below:

SET Files: This would, unsurprisingly, house your .SET files, which is Muvizu's native file type. It is VERY recommended that you keep all your SET files for future re-use, tweaking and general reference.

Textures: This would be a good place to store modified UV templates or other still images for texture and object skinning purposes. Muvizu supports a wide variety of still image types for importing, so this folder could contain JPG, JPEG, BMP or PNG or (non-animated) GIF files.

Audio: Typically WAV, MP3 or AVI files.

Video Assets: As well as supporting still images for textures and general skinning, Muvizu also supports the importing of AVI files as custom images. These AVI files could live here.

3D Objects: These will typically be ASE files, but could also be FBX files if you have a Muvizu:Play+ which would allow you to also use this file type.

Rendered Scenes: These would be your completed scenes, rendered-out with "Make Video". Typically AVi or TGA files, but it depends on the codecs you're using or if you convert your output video files to something else after rendering them out in Muvizu.