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Troubleshooting - Downloading Muvizu

Downloading is a nice, easy process - all you need is an account! OnceHere's youa haveguide that,on then we're all sethow to start.register Toan do that, just go to www.muvizu.com then click "Register" on the top right hand of the page. Fill out the information and follow the instructions, then away we go!account

Get Muvizu

Once you've registered, log into your account. You're now on the website, so find the "Get Muvizu" button, and click it. It's just below "Register/Login" or, when you're logged in, "Logout/Upload" and right beside "Commercial Use".

Get Muvizu

Pick Your Specs

Once you press that, you'll be brought to a new page. Scroll down to the bottom and you'll find your chosen specifications for download. This bit is nice and easy, but we'll give you a quick walk through of what each thing is.

Press the Get Muvizu button and it'll drop down, giving you a new section - 32-bit or 64-bit. The website will already have detected what version suits your computer, and it will display this on the left hand side. We strongly recommend you select the version specified - if you're on a machine that can handle 64-bit, then it has a higher memory capacity, and therefore can run 32-bit, however, if you're on a 32-bit machine and you try to use the 64-bit version of Muvizu, it won't work.

Select that, then you'll get a new dropdown; Lite or Full? Lite comes with only default assets - there won't be any included content packs. The pro will of course be a quicker download time - but if you want those extra content packs, you're gonna have to go and download them. The full version comes with everything released for the free version of Muvizu this far.

Download Specs


Now all you have to do is hit the big download button! You'll be prompted to either save or cancel the process. Hit "Save File", then all you have to to his run the .exe file!


If you're having any problems downloading Muvizu (such as integrity check fails) then check out the Download Manager wiki page.