Troubleshooting - Time and video size limits
There isare a few limits on time and size within Muvizu, but there ARE workarounds and ways to avoid this problem.
Time Limits
Muvizu has a time limit for recording, which isof 20 minutes.
HoweverThis is to do with the AVI 1.0 that Muvizu uses; which links up to size limits. The recommended is to try and avoid using up the full 20 minutes per scene - that's a lot of render, and your shots will start to get fairly repetitive. The best way is to set out what it is you want to do - how long do you expect your production to be? Break it into scenes and events, then make each scene a bit at a time. There's ways for you to link these up later, which you'll find if you wantedscroll down to createVideo anJoiner.
Size epic,Limits
The featuresize lengthlimits animation,are 2gb - working out to 20 minutes recording time.
This is why it's recommended you don't use them all in one go. The great thing about Muvizu is you're able to make as many videos as you like, and then you can stitchput multiplethem all together. You can make a one hour movie using 5 - 10 minute scenes, which you can then join together, and edit using other software. You'll get the best, most professional looking video in the end, with plenty of variation, and you won't have a computer bogged down by render time.
Recommended Output
There's a few different outputs that Muvizu supports; you can export your video as a basic .AVI file, or you can output it as a Targa sequence.
Targa sequences, in a nutshell, break your video down - frame by frame - into high resolution images. Programs can then re-sequence these images in the correct order and, with the use of video editing software, you will be able to easily edit your video frame by frame.
Another option is to use codecs. The job of a codec is to compress your video, making them quicker to render out at the end of your recording, but without compromising any of the quality. These are great for anyone to use, and highly recommended to users. For a list of some great codecs, and how to put them into use, you can check the following page here on our wiki.
Video Joiner
Within Muvizu, there is a specialised Video Joiner tool. This is purposely made for pulling your Muvizu videos together usingand themaking VideoJoinerone, applicationseamless whichvideo isthat bundledyou withcan Muvizu:Play.then edit, without having to run each through another editing program. You maycan alsofind wantit in your start menu; just go to useStart one> ofMuvizu:Play these> programsVideoJoiner. toNote, joinhowever, twothat orVideo Joiner only supports a .AVI format - if you're looking for more videosextensive together:results, see VirtualDub.
VirtualDub is alsoa nice, basic program which you can use to do the same job as Video Joiner, however supporting a filegreater size limit of 2 gigabytes. Files that are larger than this will not play when they've been rendered out in Muvizu.
The problem is with the type of AVI file Muvizu:Play generates, its known as version 1.00 AVI. These typenumber of video filesformats. haveVirtualDub allows users to pull videos together, clip and edit them as required, cut off sections you don't want or need, and then save them out as an internal.AVI limitfile.
For a comprehensive list of 2GBuseful software you can use to edit, or assist in size.making your video, then check out this link.
If you find yourself struggling to create your video within these limits the best thing to do is to split your video into lots of small parts. Usually a good practice is to record each camera shot as 1 video file and then, using the VideoJoiner or other video editor, join all these together into the finished article.