Troubleshooting - Time and video size limits
There are a few limits on time and size within Muvizu, but there are workarounds and ways to avoid this problem.
20 Minute Time LimitsLimit
Muvizu has a time limit of 20 minutes. Most uses make videos between 3 and 15 minutes long, so we felt that 20 minutes is a lot of render time for anyone. Most animations are produced in "shots" of 20 to 60 seconds where a specific part of a video is made in one .SET file. This gives several advantages, first of all it means the games engine does not have to much data loaded, so Muvizu:Play can run faster, secondly it means you don't lose 20 minutes of animation if your computer crashes and lastly if you want to make a small update to one part of your video then you have one small scene to work with and re-render rather than waiting forever for a 20 minute epic to be created.
2GB File Size LimitsLimit
AVI video files that are produced with Muvizu:Play use the AVI 1.0 format of AVI files. This has a size limits of 2GB per file, after 2GB in size the file will appear broken. Have a read here on how to work around this limit
Targa Sequence
There's a few different outputs that Muvizu supports; you can export your video as a basic .AVI file, or you can output it as a Targa sequence.
Targa sequences, in a nutshell, break your video down - frame by frame - into high resolution images. Video editing software can then re-sequence these images in the correct order and you will be able to easily edit your video frame by frame. This option avoids the 2GB file size limit as each frame is its own individual file. The 20 minute limit will still apply, but you can render several 20 minute scenes and join them together.
Another option is to use a different codec. The job of a codec is to compress your video, making them quicker to render out at the end of your recording, but without compromising any of the quality. These are great for anyone to use, and highly recommended to users. For a list of some great codecs, and how to put them into use, you can check the codec page here