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Troubleshooting - Installing Muvizu

Once you've carried out the download process, all that's left is to install it onto your computer.

Select Language

Once you're running the .exe, you'll be prompted to select your language. This is nice and simple, fairly self-explanatory.

Select Language

Select File Location

Your computer will default to install program files in your C:/ drive, but you can change them to go wherever you like. It's probably easier to leave them there, though. Don't worry - you won't have to go and find them to run Muvizu later! You'll see later on!

Select File Location

Licence Agreement

The licence agreement is to protect us as well as you. By terms of the licence agreement, you can't remove the watermark from Muvizu without upgrading to Muvizu:Play+ first, and any attempts to do so can result in legal issues. It also means that you can't claim financial rights to your final video if it features the Muvizu logo - however, if you remove it by purchasing a Muvizu:Play+ licence, then you can make money from your videos. If the video DOES have the watermark, don't worry - you can still upload your videos online, whether it be to our gallery, YouTube, or your own, personal blog!

Licence Agreement

Install Options

During the the install, you'll reach a stage where you're asked whether or not you wish to install the .NET 4.0 Framework, DirectX Runtime and Visual C++ Runtime. These are bits of software which will assist Muvizu to run, so if you've never installed them before, make sure to have them all ticked. Otherwise, you can untick them and continue on without them.

Keep in mind that, if you need them and they're not installed, then Muvizu won't run. In that event, you can download them direct online, for free - so don't fret if you have that issue!

DirectX Runtime - http://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=35

Visual C++ Runtime - http://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=5555

.NET 4.0 Framework - http://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=17851

Install Options

Shortcut Options

Finally, the shortcuts! If you want a shortcut of Muvizu to be placed in your start menu and on your desktop, just make sure you have them ticked. If you want to run Muvizu as soon as the install is complete (and we suspect you do!) then leave that box ticked, too, then hit "Finish".

You've now successfully installed Muvizu! Have fun animating!

Shortcut Options