How to render your video using the image sequence output.
How to render your video as an image sequence
Muvizu's image sequence output creates a series of high resolution frames along with an audio track to avoid compression and file type limits present in avi and mp4 outputs.
First of all, you need to choose the image sequence option in the Make Video window.
- Depth pass exports additional frames containing depth information for post-production depth of field camera effects.
- Flatten layers produces a single frame for each scene rather than one for each layer which can save disk space.
- Cutout occluders means that if you've not selected the "Flatten layers option", each layer's frame will have a blank space rather than what's actually there in any position where a higher layer has something in from of this section.
When you press "Make video", you may want to make a new folder to save in since each layer will create itself a folder in which there will be possibly hundreds of frames so you don't want then to get buried in a busy folder.
When Muvizu has finished rendering, you will find folders with the names of the layers you've created (if you have not created any then the default will be "background"). Inside each folder will be many frames which represent one 25th of a second along with an audio file for the scene.
Now it's time to import the video into your editor or compositor. I'm using Sony Vegas 11. You need to select the first frame and tick the "Open still image sequence" box at the bottom of the window.
Once you press "Open", this menu will appear. (Other editors may vary) Make sure you set the frame rate to 25fps.
Now just put this video on your timeline along with the audio track which should be in the same folder. The timings of the video and audio track should match up perfectly. If not, double check the image sequence is set to 25fps. Now you can treat this as a video file.