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How to upload a video

So you've finished your video, its all done and dusted and the cutting room floor is swept clean. Now what?

Share it with the Muvizu community!

There are 3 ways to upload your video to YouTube.com

Within Muvizu:Play

When you have finished rendering your video, and its saved to an AVI file on your hard drive, just go back to Make Video and select the Upload to Youtube option. This will ask you to login to your account, and provide a title and description for your video and then it'll upload it there.

If you have your Muvizu.com and Youtube accounts linked the video you upload will be sent to Muvizu.com for moderation before it is displayed in the Gallery.

On the Muvizu.com site

Once you have connected your Muvizu.com account and YouTube account,account, just login to Muvizu.com and select the Upload button next to you username in the top right hand corner.

Next select the video option and then give your video a title and description. You'll then be asked to select the AVI file to upload.

Once the upload has completed the video will come back to Muvizu.com for moderation before it is displayed in the Gallery.

Upload directly to Youtube

You can upload your AVI file directly to your youtube channel. If you choose this option then there is no way to have your video in the Muvizu.com Gallery. If you want your video in the Gallery then you will need to upload using either the Application or the Muvizu.com website.