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Home ? Feedback ? Window object properties / complex objects (ASE)

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08/09/2011 12:11:59

WabbyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 98

As I already said in the post for the latest version of Muvizu, there remains a problem in the software witch is really blocking :

When importing an object from Google Skechup (ASE file), it's impossible to access to all the color/image properties when the list is too long : the window is too long and there is no vertical scrollbar, so...

Maybe, i don't do the right thing but i think it's impossible to import complex object with different textures in Muvizu, just because of this small gap in your software :-)
edited by Wabby on 08/09/2011
edited by Wabby on 09/09/2011
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Home ? Feedback ? Window object properties / complex objects (ASE)