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15/03/2012 09:27:00

toonaramaMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 661
Mysto and me have been working on a new music animation for the Toy Dolls which will be released on Monday (all being well) to coincide with the release of their new LP.

It has been interesting and a bit stressful working for a "client" and to a "deadline" but i have learnt a lot from the process - not least what a fantastic product muvizu is in this sort of situation.

The animation has been turned around in a couple of weeks partly due to Mysto's ability but also because of the ease of use.

The output quality is first class aided by the fantastic lighting system.

Mysto and myself could easily share our work because all the assets/animation etc can be stored within a single project file.

Changes have been requested by the group right up to the last minute but these can nearly always be accomodated due to the "division of work" within Muvizu.

And last but not least Vince and the crew have been extremely supportive and enthusiastic about the process. Thank you very much.

all the best

edited by toonarama on 15/03/2012
edited by toonarama on 15/03/2012
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