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Home ? Publishing Your Video ? Possibe to Upload video without making it public?

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16/03/2012 08:36:15

toonaramaMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 661
Good morning

Is it possible to upload a video via the website and not make it immediately public. I am trying to find a way of getting a video onto youtube and the muvizu site but keeping it hidden from public view until a certain time.

I know i can make the video private or unlisted on YT but I have a feeling that this stops it being accessible to this site or does it become accessible when you make it public?


16/03/2012 09:26:27

IanSExperimental userMuvizu staff
Posts: 139
Yeah you can... kind of... just upload it through the Muvizu site then go to the and set the video to private in there before we're able to pick it up here (it usually takes anywhere from a few hours to as much as 2 days sometime). Then when you want it public again, just set it public on the youtube site and we should pick it up here shortly afterwards. Send me a msg if it's not showing up after that for any reason and I'll give the server a boot!
16/03/2012 10:31:52

toonaramaMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 661
Thanks very much Ian
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Home ? Publishing Your Video ? Possibe to Upload video without making it public?