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Home ? Feedback ? Dialogue timing

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18/11/2009 11:58:32

simonhefferMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 225

I think having to anticpate in real-time when a particular character has the next line is a bit tricky. Even in the tutorial Barry has a buffer to help out.
Perhaps we could allow the Shush/Talk buttons to be effective when the recorder is paused. This way you can pause at the end of a line, shush the current actor, talk the next actor etc.
Maybe (later) a dialoue editor with a track for each actor so you can easily see who is speaking when.

22/02/2010 12:13:53

Posts: 102
Hi Simon

Thanks for your suggestion. This is a problem that's existed for a while and hopefully our new Timeline Editor makes dialogue a wee bit easier to align. Your suggestion did make me think that Muvizu could benefit from an embedded audio editor. Hmmm, I think I'll mention it to our Lead Coder....

Lead Artist
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Home ? Feedback ? Dialogue timing