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Home ? Feedback ? Can the create object window be made scrollable

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17/09/2011 16:23:34

toonaramaMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 661
Hello there

Is it possible to make the import object window scrollable.

As it is loads of great SuP models are unusable because you cannot get at the scale/physics/lighting options at the bottom when there is more than a handful of colours/textures

Alternatively the display (for textures) could use words rather than thumbnails so it is more compact?


17/09/2011 17:35:07

NeilExperimental userMuvizu staff
Posts: 396
Hi Toonarama,

This is something I'm working on. Unfortunately adding a scrollbar breaks other aspects of the layout, so I've had to leave it out for the time being. But fear not, it's something that will definitely happen in a future release.
18/09/2011 12:05:17

toonaramaMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 661
thanks Neil
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Home ? Feedback ? Can the create object window be made scrollable