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Home ? Competitions, Events & News ? Ch ch ch ch changes to the Muvizu forums

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16/05/2012 14:53:25

Posts: 69
Ciao a tutti, Olá a todos, Hello all,

You may have noticed a new addition to the forums recently, this is due to some upcoming changes.

The beloved home into which Muvizuers spill their guts is being purged. (Sorry)

This is to say that we have decided to clean up the forums and make it a simpler place for people to interact. We want people from all backgrounds, ages and learning curves to get involved so we have reduced some of the oversized topics into more easily managable chunks with nice new tiltes that should be inviting for everyone.

All of this will be happening over the coming weeks and we will try to keep you updated.

Dicci cosa ne pensi? Diga-nos o que você acha?

Let us know what you think?

Grazie e arrivederci, Obrigado e adeus, Thank you and goodbye,

16/05/2012 15:04:43

Posts: 582
We should ask Alan Shock
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Home ? Competitions, Events & News ? Ch ch ch ch changes to the Muvizu forums