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Home ? Tech Help ? R6025 Runtime Error

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31/01/2013 12:45:29

DyllyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 555
Hi Guys,

I updated my version of Muvizu the other day (been spending too much time messing around on boats & in hospital with my Dad) so thought I would get up to date.

Whenever I have finished with one scene and go to open another new scene I get an error message which says

Runtime Error!
Programme:C:/Program Files/Muvizu/Binaries64/Muvizu.exe

-pure virtual function call

and then Muvizu shuts down. If I restart Muvizu then the scene I wanted will load with no problems. Any ideas as to how to correct this?
31/01/2013 13:41:58

Posts: 582
Hi Dylly,

Thanks for letting us know about this issue.
We are aware of this, our QA bumped into some crashes and we passed it on to the developers.

It's not really an easy one to pin-point, so my best advice is to roll back to the previous version you were running. This way it won't trouble your work flow.

As soon we get a work around for this we will let you know

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Home ? Tech Help ? R6025 Runtime Error