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Home ? Importing Assets ? 3D object with my own texture

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04/06/2013 00:11:38

(Account inactive)
Posts: 133
Hi all,

I would like to export a 3D object, but WITH the textures on it.

I just don't find the tutorial to do it.
Could you help me please.

04/06/2013 01:07:40

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
I can post the video link i had given you before about exporting objects from blender to muvizu it includes exporting textures. Otherwise you might want to read the sketchup thread on such things I seem to remember this mentioned in there. Basically put all the textures into the same folder as the object. They need to be square and 512x512 or 1024x1024 or 256x256 or you will get errors around mip map. They should be either in tga form or png form. The muvizu tutorial revolves around id texture which is similar but may be confusing.

Same video as this thread

this is the sketchup info

if you read the threads especially on this forum you will get the info you need it just takes some reading and time to research it.

Just adding this after I had someone come to me with a request who uses sketchup. I seem to remember basic sketchup not being able to do uv mapping and this is why I was asked to create some items for him. So basically if you want to add textures to objects your pretty much confined to blender unless you want to purchase some addons for skethcup but if you read the forums posts trimble has now made it not possible to use these addons in the free version.

Anyhow I hope this helps. I did create a basic tutorial on how to get textures and objects into muvizu using blender as a result of realizing that sketchup had issues doing that.
edited by urbanlamb on 04/06/2013
04/06/2013 04:13:58

(Account inactive)
Posts: 133
Thank you a lot,
It's what I needed !
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Home ? Importing Assets ? 3D object with my own texture