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Home ? Importing Assets ? Soundtrack on multi sets

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26/07/2013 02:23:26

Posts: 4
How do i join a number of different set scene to make one soundtrack. I want to open up my scene with one set and lead the viewer through several sets but having one song playing throughout? Almost like a music video that is not captured in one scene.
26/07/2013 05:15:47

ukBertyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 975
You need an editing program to do this. Windows Movie Maker may be on your PC - It's part of Windows Live and it free. I use SOny Vegas, which is not free, but is much better.
26/07/2013 08:26:52

Posts: 165
Adobe Premiere also lets you stitch together video clips and add a separate audio track that can play throughout, but again, that isn't free.

You can also have a look on our Wiki to see if any of the useful programs might suit your needs.

Hope this helps!

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Home ? Importing Assets ? Soundtrack on multi sets