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Home ? For New Users ? My First Creation - Space Oddity on the Moon

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16/03/2014 15:32:15

Posts: 5
Hello all,

I invite you to view my new creation using Muvizu; here is the link in YouTube; I think you will enjoy it ! especially to those who like Space, Art and... Animation...

Search: Space Oddity on the Moon (by JMagination)

Je vous invite à aller visionner ma toute première création fait avec Muvizu; je pense que vous aimerez ! surtout si vous êtes de ceux qui aimez l'Espace, les Arts... et l'Animation...

Recherchez: Space Oddity on the Moon (par JMagination)
Stay tuned for my other upcoming videos.

edited by jmlevesque on 16/03/2014
16/03/2014 18:43:14

HayManMarcExperimental user
Posts: 128
That was great! Excellent work -- I loved it!
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Home ? For New Users ? My First Creation - Space Oddity on the Moon