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Home ? Your Videos ? Magician Talks About San Diego Busking

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26/06/2014 07:06:01

Posts: 20
This was my first Muvizu Video, I apologize for my early work.
I'd still love any feedback if you have some time to do so.

I'm still learning how to direct camera movement.

26/06/2014 07:33:39

Posts: 97
I am no expert in any way shape or form, but i liked it. like you said no camera movements but it has good ambiance. cant wait for next episode. loved the advice of keeping it funny
26/06/2014 19:47:27

muvizu_chapMuvizu staff
Posts: 82
I have no idea what I just watched but it was intriguing. This is a great start, keep playing and use the knowledge in these forums to help improve your skills.
26/06/2014 21:12:41

Posts: 20
I am a professional magician. I am hoping to get magicians to like the idea
of including animation in performance sets. This particular one is a mini-lecture
of a magician at

I created the aforementioned video as an example of how he can add them to his weekly blog
that discusses traveling around the world performing magic as a busker. (tips on the streets)

I'm certain other magicians in the community will be open to it as well, I'm working on other
magicians as well.

Once he decides to go for it, I can then upgrade to the commercial version of this software.
I know you folks need to eat as well.

Many thanks for just watching mates!

p.s. I can't believe The USA is still in the running at The World Cup thanks to Portugal.
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Home ? Your Videos ? Magician Talks About San Diego Busking