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Home ? Feedback ? New user with ideas that are probably old news...

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24/08/2015 02:21:00

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
New but very excited user here! Although I'm new to this software, I have lots of experience with other software that uses time lines, animation and audio editing. After using this wonderful program for just a few days, I would love to see the following feature:
The added ability to edit directly from the time line without having to insert actions in real time.

It looks to me as though all of these actions are already pre-packaged, and inserted via the interface... it should be fairly simple for the programmers to create a way for the same pre-packaged actions to be added directly to the time line, something like this:

set time marker on time line > right click on the appropriate lane > insert > dropdown menu would be populated with the most recently used director function > pick action from list box > enter

even easier would be to add a button to either the PREPARE or DIRECT dialog.

Another thing I notice is that any movements I have to control with the mouse while recording tend to be choppy because the computer is multi tasking and not watching the mouse 100% of the time. The ability to create smooth precise interpolated movements with keyframes would let me grow back some of the hair I pulled out this weekend. ;-)

But really...if you never changed anything on this software, I would continue loving it for the rest of my miserable little life! I just discovered it from a post on a FaceBook group named Amateur Animators... can't believe I never heard of it until now! Kudos to everybody involved in creating this software!
25/08/2015 18:17:28

ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1988
All good ideas, although the mouse input can be got around (now) by using the layers feature to turn off everything else but the thing you're animating, improving the mouse update considerably. Also adjusting the DPI setting on your mouse can help too.
25/08/2015 19:07:49

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
Thanks Ziggy! I appreciate your help, and especially the fact that you are willing to share your knowledge with newbies.
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Home ? Feedback ? New user with ideas that are probably old news...