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Home ? Your Videos ? Alien Grey (Cow Abduction)

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02/05/2016 18:30:25

artpenMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 362
Thanks Clayster, yeah, I'm taking time out with Muvizu
at the moment because I'm busy with my 2D stuff that I need to do.
But I'll be back with a pilot episode for a new comedy that I've got planned, don't know when but sometime!!

Yeah, I'll help out with some voices, let me know when you have some script.

02/05/2016 20:16:58

clayster2012Muvizu mogul
Posts: 645
Ok great artpen, I'll let you know thanks.
04/05/2016 18:29:29

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738

as a thought for the back of your mind: lately I'm seeing a LOT of conspiracy theory stuff about aliens and Roswell and even theories that the government is planning a misinformation campaign like the famous WAR OF THE WORLDS radio broadcast that threw the nation into a panic years ago...

there is so much junk out there that it would be a shame to let all that momentum go to waste. Read up on the conspiracy theories, then put your own spin on it. There's a lot of potential way beyond the coyote/roadrunner model.

brainstorming ideas:

1) what would happen if the late show had a grey alien as guest? What would the host ask him? What kind of crazy @$$ replies would the alien come back with?

2) there's an obvious parallel between the illegal alien problem with insecure southern border and illegal interplanetary aliens... I think that would yield some great scenes if you presented space aliens in that paradigm

3) then there's the Twilight Zone model, like the "HOW TO SERVE HUMANS" episode, in which the plot throws us a curve in which we start out thinking the aliens are here to serve us socially, and end up realizing the title is for a cook book, and they're here to eat us

4) and of course there's the tried and true "fish out of water" plot in which an alien character is confronted by scenarios we take for granted (like dating protocol, dining protocol etc) and he gets it wrong because frankly, the way we do everything is counter-intuitive

5) another tried and true plot model is the "odd couple" in which you have a team (in this case maybe a human and an alien working together) and they rub each other the wrong way because they think so differently about everything

Or not. You have some great ideas, and I'm just piling on. Feel free to use or discard anything I say.
04/05/2016 19:02:31

clayster2012Muvizu mogul
Posts: 645
They are some great Idea PatMarrNC, and There is going to be more then just the cow thing, Im planning a lot for Alien Grey, and I may consider some of those Ideas, but part 2 for cow abduction is already in the works, I want alien Grey to be a loner who is always sent on crazy
missions from the High Supreme 'Monar" the leader of his planet, scenarios like abducting humans, stealing resources, spying on other planets for world domination, and some case related things that happen here on hearth, and more, so if you have any ideas of any of these scenarios that i have mention then pass them my way, and thanks buddy for your ideas so for!
05/05/2016 01:25:22

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
sounds awesome Clayster! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with on each of those themes!
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Home ? Your Videos ? Alien Grey (Cow Abduction)