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Home ? Collaboration Requests ? Help with an passanger airplane

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25/07/2016 08:52:06

Posts: 211
Hello, I need a passangers airplane, please?..Thank you
edited by tonyob67 on 25/07/2016
25/07/2016 16:47:49

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
there are free sets in the user assets that model the interior of both large and small planes.

If you need to show the outside of the plane and you can't model, by far the easiest way to include extra content in your videos is to find a photo online and put it on a backdrop. As long as you don't move the camera in the scene very much, 2D graphics on a backdrop work great. And its fast.

If you need to show characters thru the windows of the plane and you know how to create transparent areas in your 2D graphic, just make the windows transparent and position your characters behind the backdrop. You should be able to frame the shot in such a way as to make it look like a 3d plane with passengers looking out the windows.

If you need to show the plane flying, then make everything around the plane transparent, and position the backdrop with the plane in front of another backdrop with moving scenery (clouds, earth whatever)
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Home ? Collaboration Requests ? Help with an passanger airplane