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Home ? Feedback ? Muvizu is a savior for me

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28/11/2010 04:53:21

Posts: 17
Ive been animating with iClone for the past years. Always having troubles making iclone movies. I was sad. Until i found a forum thread about Muvizu. At first i thought it was a voovees ripoff until i saw all these movies. I was shocked with the many possibilities that can be done in Muvizu.

And now im working on a Megamind spinoff called Mastermind. Cant wait to show the Muvizu community this film one its finished
edited by raptormarlins on 28/11/2010
08/02/2011 08:30:43

Posts: 13
I've also not been terribly impressed with iClone, which does have a large dedicated user base, more capabilities than Muvizu (for now at least) and is OK for certain applications.

What I think what sets Muvizu apart is that it uses key framed animation for it's animation library instead of mocap data, which is what similar programs like iClone and Moviestorm rely for the most part I believe (you can buy add-ons for iClone with cartoon-style animation but there are only 40 or 50 actions to choose from).

I also really like the mood-based system in Muvizu. I know it's still being worked on and perfected, but it's definitely the right way to build a program like this in my opinion. By the time this is out of beta I think you'll see a lot of people flocking to it.
08/02/2011 13:15:08

Posts: 272
fingers crossed! just need to get the muvizu word out there
tell all your friends!
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Home ? Feedback ? Muvizu is a savior for me