drewi - all messages by user

2017/2/16 14:23:10
NEW IN THE MUVIZU STORE..... Yes indeed!! it looks exquisite. A feast for the eyes.
2017/1/27 15:50:39
seeing if there's any interest.... i know i will use it one day.Gas bottles and welding torch?
2017/1/16 10:14:38
Help loading video..... Thanks for the info BigW. Overlooked this route the first time you posted it. Are these sensible settings? i.e. Have i got it right?the output plays ok in a video player but when imported into muvizu onto a backdrop the vid loses resolution clarity on my crate.like the colours break up a bit.still a usable and handy solution in some instances.
edited by drewi on 17/01/2017
2017/1/15 18:02:16
Help loading video..... Yeah they should fix that back to the way it worked originally to work with xvid, it was great then. such a fun part of muvizu.
ermm ....Du id....err..doo id...um.... do id.
2017/1/14 22:46:38
Need help for african village and caracter 1. Re video editor - most use hitfilm.
2.My advice is don't bother with .ase
Convert your model attachments to .fbx , Blender can convert .obj to .fbx
2017/1/13 9:33:13
Style ...software for the toolbox This looks like it's at least one for the toolbox.
Free today only.
Check out the video on the download page.
STyle...250mb download
2017/1/13 9:10:42
Need help for african village and caracter Rodrisilva has made this masterpiece which may help or at least somewhere to start your project.
be sure to thank the makers.

Also this masterpiece by Rebel may also be of help or a combination of the two,or save elements of both into your favourites and compose something new.

edited by drewi on 13/01/2017
2017/1/12 20:15:54
How to create dialog tracks with Audacity yes and no apparently...
2016/12/28 22:51:52
Character sets old and new An amazing and beautiful body of work Clayster, exquisite...Awe and Applause.
2016/12/25 22:51:16
MERRY CHRISTMAS! Second that and a big thanks to you Pat and others that have led the way before we got here.
2016/12/25 11:01:53
TUTORIAL SERIES: SILO to MUVIZU Wow 'tis what i feared Prima.....I'd like to buy it at the budget price but i'm not a gamer and don't want steam clutter.
Silo does a bit more than my present modeling software of choice so i think i am going to buy it at the site where there is still an offer but not as good as the Steam offer.
Done it $40...hi silo buddies.Rock Band
edited by drewi on 25/12/2016
2016/12/25 1:45:53
TUTORIAL SERIES: SILO to MUVIZU Are you shackled to having Steam on your computer for ever if you buy it via Steam?
edited by drewi on 25/12/2016
2016/12/21 10:38:34
CINEMATIC MUSIC I'm an amateur music clown myself and enjoyed the info videos too Pat, Thanks.
2016/12/15 11:53:58
New release update: Static lighting and OBJ import The only .obj import that works for me is of a uvmapped .obj
I made the object in Anim8or
and then i uv mapped it with Uvmapper classic
the object imported into muvizu fine.
I dont think .obj can have collision...i could be wrong about that though my experience is limited.
Also i haven't successfully been able to include transparency in my experiments so far.
2016/12/13 16:37:21
New release update: Static lighting and OBJ import obj..wow!
i'm waiting for it to download...the issue of collision crossed my mind...and will materials and transparency and normal maps and and and.......
edited by drewi on 13/12/2016
2016/12/13 10:32:30
MUVIZU ON ANDROID Hi ...Unfortunately it doesn't and it never will happen is my guess.
edited by drewi on 13/12/2016
2016/12/10 13:43:39
Import AVI sucess Xvid used to work in earlier versions surely it could be made to work in future versions.Whaaaaa?
The uncompressed river works for me 1.8 though annoyingly the colours are not the same.
I had earlier versions where avi wasn't a problem but was advised to uninstall them to overcome a problem with the thumbnails.
The uninstall worked re thumbnail problem ..when i tried to re-install my older versions i couldn't activate them...admin said they are history now and i wouldn't be able to activate them anymore.....gutted....and the thumbnail problem returned anyways......both the thumbnail and video glitches are huge fetters to my work flow and creativity..I am hopeful that the rendering of individual images and reassemble with vdub will at least rectify the video import problem when i seriously need that option though.
2016/12/7 13:34:07
NEW IN THE MUVIZU STORE..... 1hr 25mins - 78%....errm?...Drink

at last ...turned skype off and last 20% came in in seconds...don't know if that was slowing things down...going to explore now.
edited by drewi on 07/12/2016
2016/12/7 12:35:58
NEW IN THE MUVIZU STORE..... Yeah it is taking a considerable amount of time to load...26mins so far 62%.......ha!
What items within the set do you think might contribute most to the load time?
2016/11/21 11:58:00
The usual wish: a camera :-) this might help...maybe notWhaaaaa?

also.....i have pm'd you
edited by drewi on 21/11/2016
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