BoomMike - all messages by user

2024/9/30 20:54:51
Getting Grilled Greg's invitation makes Joe suspicious.
2024/9/16 20:21:12
It's A request Thanks to social media Kyle gets a reminder of days gone by.
2024/9/9 20:58:51
The Challenge A challenge is set for those who dare.
2024/8/12 20:50:31
It's Just A Suggestion Zeke isn't happy with a social media site's friend suggestions.
2024/8/5 11:57:12
Meet Dr. Von Boem Sorry, but sometimes dark settings tell the tale. I certainly understand about the computer situation. I could do with an upgrade, too but what to do about Muvizu?
2024/7/29 20:42:49
Meet Dr. Von Boem In The Grand Duchy of Rhiegenberg, mad scientist Dr. Henrick Von Boem and his creation Sythegore are arrested for incorrect snacking.
2024/7/22 20:29:59
Night Crawling Greg has to explain to his wife why he's crawling on the lawn at night.
2024/7/15 20:02:59
The Will Of Amun Ra In ancient Egypt, Aken performs a ritual before a stature of the god Amun Ra.
2024/7/8 20:58:31
Time Served A new hire learns something awful during a tour of the plant.
2024/7/1 20:53:23
On The Scene Roger wants to swim in Lyle's new pool but they get interrupted.
2024/6/24 21:03:53
Double Take While a grocery store is short handed, a strange mix-up occurs.
2024/5/13 20:21:09
Big Beef Dinner Joe's neighbor Greg invites himself over for something to eat.
2024/4/1 23:20:21
Runaway Rabbit Rotten Rabbit discovers a new life when he escapes from a lab.
2024/3/25 22:57:48
Parking Authority She's obnoxious, angry, entitled, and ready to get in a driver's face about a parking spot.
2024/3/18 22:55:39
From Scratch Long ago in a cave, the first poem is created.
2024/3/11 23:08:37
Should've Seen It Coming Jackie is unhappy with Joe's listening skills.
2024/3/4 23:33:03
Making A Connection Edgar and Amanda's quest for sophistication and style takes a strange turn.
2024/2/27 0:07:01
The Ice Man A body is discovered near a glacier.
2024/1/8 23:01:40
Alien Impact Masher What do you do when your house has an infestation problem?
2024/1/2 14:54:46
Something To Remember After a wild New Year's Eve, Zeke finds Kyle passed out on the living floor without any memory or pants.

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