BoomMike - all messages by user

2024/9/13 12:01:34
Meet Dr. Von Boem CGUJJAIN has decided to soil my video with sleazy prostitute ad. Since the provide links are probably hacked scam links, anyone clicking on them would have to be a complete idiot!
2024/9/9 20:58:51
The Challenge A challenge is set for those who dare.
2024/8/19 20:48:55
Assessment Report An alien commander wants to hear an assessment of Earth as an invasion target.
2024/8/12 20:50:31
It's Just A Suggestion Zeke isn't happy with a social media site's friend suggestions.
2024/8/5 11:57:12
Meet Dr. Von Boem Sorry, but sometimes dark settings tell the tale. I certainly understand about the computer situation. I could do with an upgrade, too but what to do about Muvizu?
2024/7/29 20:42:49
Meet Dr. Von Boem In The Grand Duchy of Rhiegenberg, mad scientist Dr. Henrick Von Boem and his creation Sythegore are arrested for incorrect snacking.
2024/7/22 20:29:59
Night Crawling Greg has to explain to his wife why he's crawling on the lawn at night.
2024/7/15 20:02:59
The Will Of Amun Ra In ancient Egypt, Aken performs a ritual before a stature of the god Amun Ra.
2024/7/8 20:58:31
Time Served A new hire learns something awful during a tour of the plant.
2024/7/1 20:53:23
On The Scene Roger wants to swim in Lyle's new pool but they get interrupted.
2024/6/24 21:03:53
Double Take While a grocery store is short handed, a strange mix-up occurs.
2024/5/13 20:21:09
Big Beef Dinner Joe's neighbor Greg invites himself over for something to eat.
2024/4/1 23:20:21
Runaway Rabbit Rotten Rabbit discovers a new life when he escapes from a lab.
2024/3/25 22:57:48
Parking Authority She's obnoxious, angry, entitled, and ready to get in a driver's face about a parking spot.
2024/3/18 22:55:39
From Scratch Long ago in a cave, the first poem is created.
2024/3/11 23:08:37
Should've Seen It Coming Jackie is unhappy with Joe's listening skills.
2024/3/4 23:33:03
Making A Connection Edgar and Amanda's quest for sophistication and style takes a strange turn.
2024/2/27 0:07:01
The Ice Man A body is discovered near a glacier.
2024/1/8 23:01:40
Alien Impact Masher What do you do when your house has an infestation problem?
2024/1/2 14:54:46
Something To Remember After a wild New Year's Eve, Zeke finds Kyle passed out on the living floor without any memory or pants.

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