jameswills - all messages by user

2014/1/22 1:08:15
effects I just watched tutorial 21 Directing properties. I see that you have to turn intensity on and off while recording.
2014/1/22 0:45:17
How do i turn on and off an effect? I have turned an effect on and off just like you say. I have directed the effect, recording it only where I want, but when I turn the effect back on it is on for entire video just like before. I can not get it to be on for just a few moments. it is either on all the time or off all the time. I still do not see how to have it only at a moment. Not on for entire video. What I do is edit the scene just with the effect on and edit it in with a video editing software.
2014/1/22 0:19:22
effects I have the same question as above. I have used the intensity on and off but still effect is on through-out entire video. I don't see how to have an effect only for an instant or just a few seconds. When intensity is off, it stays off until I turn it back on, then it is on entire video. I tried directing the effect only recording during moment, that does not work either.
edited by jameswills on 22/01/2014
pages: 1