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Home ? Competitions, Events & News ? Cowboy's gunbelt

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14/08/2021 22:49:32

DigiFactorMuvizu mogulMuvizu staff
Posts: 135
Hey everyone DigiFactor here, I would like to tell about my new Cowboy's Gunbelt, it's an attachment that will go right on the characters waist once you import it to the character, it comes with two belts, one with guns and one without, and a gun to place in your characters hands, everything is preset and you shouldn't have to make any adjustments, just import the attachment, you can get it on my gumroad account for only $1, plus it has a tutorial to watch right from the gumroad page that will show you how to make your characters draw the guns!

here is the link!

Enjoy and have a Bless day!
17/08/2021 14:34:48

Posts: 2
You're good wow! can you make some hair styles like long breads and long dreads and some more old school characters like you have clothing would be good too i will buy it from you im going to look at what you got so far you are great keep it up i got hope for this after seeing your work
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Home ? Competitions, Events & News ? Cowboy's gunbelt