Muvizu ASE Exporter for Sketchup

by Muvizu_Admin in Updates

Way back in August 2010 we here at Muvizu introduced an'unofficial feature' to Muvizu that allows you to import ASE model files. What a runaway success this has been! We now have a fairly large collection of 3D models, made by our users, and available for everyone to download and use on our gallery. Our forums are constantly abuzz with request and feedback on these models and one of our users, Dylly, has even started his own site to display his creations. Check them out in all their splendour here.


Most of these models have been made with the free modelling application Sketchup, but many other 3D modelling application can be used with the right kit. However most of them need a plugin or 3rd party piece of kit to go from the native model format to the ASE model format that Muvizu can understand. When it comes to the more serious applications, such as blender, this is all well supported. Sketchup has remained a bit of a grey area.

When we first released this 'feature' the best option was to use an ASE exporter, developed by a chap called HardPCM, which was designed as a generic exporter for the Unreal engine(HSKP2UNR). This works almost perfectly and has been used to export the majority of objects for Muvizu from Sketchup but it does have one drawback. How do you add collision to your model?In the course of testing and using this plugin, it was clear the method of adding collision originally recommended just wasn't up to the task.

Our users have come up with 2 pretty nifty solutions to this problem. Ziggy72 has made his own match box collision mesh and put it on our forums for everyone to copy and paste into their models, and ukBerty recently did some jiggery pokery with the plugin to automatically include that collision mesh in the outputted ASE file. But, as useful and creative a solution as those are, it still leaves some problems - what if you want a collision mesh that actually lets a character stand on the object?

Well, now it’s plain and simple! We've updated the plugin to allow a custom collision mesh to be created in Sketchup and exported with the model at the same time. All within a nice little drop down user interface :)

Get it here

Here’s a handy little tutorial video to get you started.

Good luck and happy exporting!

Comments (7)

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  1. mos6507
    • mos6507 - Over a year ago
    • Is there any technical reason why Muvizu is limited to the oddball (and ancient) ASE format? Why not FBX or Collada?
  2. drychalice
  3. WozToons Experimental user
    • WozToons - Over a year ago
    • Thanks for this, very helpful and informative. :) Although collisions involving stairs sounds more like a Friday night out.
  4. SonIm
    • SonIm - Over a year ago
    • For some reason i couldn't get this to work until just now. ROCKIN'
  5. level18
    • level18 - Over a year ago
    • I cant seem to get this to work with the latest version of Sketch Up, why can't it just be in the extensions warehouse? and when I click on gallery as mentioned above there is no 3d models to download?