John Cleese on creativity

by Muvizu_Admin in News

We have a talented team of animators here at Digimania. Here’s one of them, the super creative Martyn on how John Cleese helps him avoid getting ‘bogged down’ creatively.

I first saw this video a couple of years ago. There is a vast amount of scientific research on the topic of creativity and many other videos exploring the subject available if you should be so inclined, like myself, to watch videos on creativity rather than to go ahead and just do something creative! But that is the thing with ‘being creative’. When it is put in those terms it becomes a difficult, mercurial and elusive activity. I quickly find myself seeking ‘inspiration’ when really I’m just watching other people’s efforts. I would however urge you to watch this.

The video is quite old now but it remains one of the most refreshing views on what can be a somewhat abstract concept and is one of the few pieces I’ve watched or read on the subject that has really stayed with me. John Cleese’s effortless delivery peppered with humour really makes this hugely enjoyable, and it is exactly that sense of playfulness that allows the crux of the matter to be apparent. Being creative is all about playing and having fun.

So often, I for one, become bogged down by imaginary problems like ability, comparisons with others and many of the other barriers to creativity described by Mr Cleese. The analysis he offers in terms of open and closed ‘modes’ makes a lot of sense to me and being mindful of this even when I’m at work and have a deadline pressures bearing down has helped me a lot.

How you use the different modes or sides of the brain or however you want to think of it. Being aware of how you are approaching a task and employing the correct mode at the right stage of development has huge benefits for any job whether it is producing a piece of animation or writing an essay.

Hopefully you will find it as useful as I have.

Comments (4)

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  1. ziggy72 Muvizu mogul Experimental user
    • ziggy72 - Over a year ago
    • William Burroughs called it the 'Interzone' - a place your consciousness inhabits when you're in the right frame of mind to create. "An oasis of time in the Open mode" is a pretty good bit of advice as to how to get there - good vid!
  2. octo-crab
  3. Karl_Engler
    • Karl_Engler - Over a year ago
    • Thanks for posting this. I agree you can't force creativity, but it's nice to hear how it can be made to more likely happen.
  4. Thanapongxxx
    • Thanapongxxx - Over a year ago