And the winners ...

by Muvizu_Admin in Competitions

Will be announced on Monday, at the latest. We aim to be in touch with our video short competition winners on Friday with a few questions about how their films were made.

We are just as impatient as you (with the possible exception of Toonarama) to make the announcement and to make public the splendid work of competition entrants. Watch this space, and probably the forums as well.

YouTube thumbnail for Ghost HouseElsewhere in the world of Muvizu, we're delighted with the success on YouTube of the first episode of Ghost House - The Phantom Premise - which was made for by Jonbez. A YouTube search on "ghost house muvizu" has just given an index listing of results showing that, at the time of writing, this four-and-a-half-minute animation has been viewed more than 82,000 times.

Nice work (although the humour is not suitable for a very young audience) and we look forward to a further five episodes in this series. As it happens, we're also looking forward to meeting Jonbez, who's due to visit Muvizu HQ in Glasgow tomorrow.

Moving on now to some more news, this time about our forthcoming release. We've delayed it until November 9, whereas the original plan was to have got it to you by November 3. Sorry about that.

The date has been pushed for a few reasons: illness, emergency travel by a key artist, downright frustrating technical problems and, of course, the eccentric antics of Robert, our lead developer, who is as we speak walking up Kilimanjaro.

Robert, together with Angie, our office manager, is prone to bouts of extreme self-induced pain by way of running marathons, cycling for silly distances, hiking and kayaking or sometimes doing all these things in one event.

Angie and Robert after 67km of hell at Gaelforce West. Fools.The picture here is of said nutters just after their completion of Gaelforce West in Ireland a couple of months ago. The so-called "adventure racing" event was over a 67km course embracing a mountain, some bogs, the sea, dirt tracks and bits of fine Irish roads, ahem. This, according to the organisers, "is not a fun run". Really?

The Kilimanjaro attempt is intended to raise much-needed funds for the Prince and Princess of Wales Hospice on the River Clyde. Anyone wishing to find out more or even to donate money to this cause should visit this link -

Anyway, now that we've pushed the release date, Robert will be back in time for code freeze (now slated for October 27), assuming, of course, that he doesn't fall down a ravine or get eaten/molested by yetis.

We apologise for the delay, but we hope that you'll bear with us. The new features, which include more visual effects and greater control over existing ones, moving objects, musical animations and much more, are, perhaps, rather more complicated to implement than at first envisaged.

More personal news. Congratulations to Alan, one of our artists here, whose wife, Helen, was delivered of a 9lb boy, Freddy, at the weekend. No pictures yet, though  :-(

And finally, our thanks to Craig, who recently endured a work-experience week with us at Muvizu and who has just sent a thank you card. No problems, Craig, it was a pleasure to have you here. Good luck with the ambition to become a "proggramer", but you'd probably be more suited to a job as a programmer. ;-)

Best regards as always,

The Muvizu team

Comments (6)

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  1. toonarama Muvizu mogul Experimental user
    • toonarama - Over a year ago
    • Contragulations to Robert, Angie, Alan and Helen!
      Thanks for the mention; I think.
  2. Stonehead Experimental user
    • Stonehead - Over a year ago
    • Keep up the good work guys ... Robert and Angie should be ashamed ...far too fit and should spend more time tied to a computer ...fresh air is really bad for you and as for the Yeti's you know how fast those things can run!!!!!
      :O) Good luck and congrats on Freddy too
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    • Thanapongxxx - Over a year ago
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