These are the champions

by Muvizu_Admin in Competitions

MachinExpo 2010Muvizu is delighted to announce the winners of the 90-second short film competition. We're similarly delighted to announce another competition to mark our participation in Machinima Expo 2010.

So, first things first. Our competition really did focus the minds of so many Muvizu users desperate for recognition as filmmakers ... or was that desperate for high-end computer kit from Workstation Specialists. Whatever, the quality of submissions was superb.

Frst prize, then, went to user Matt, an early Muvizu adopter who's been with us for more than a year. His creation, The Book, fairly blew everyone away. This is an awesome piece of filmmaking that showed off Muvizu's capabilities to the max. You'll be pleased to know that some of the effects added in post-processing will be incorporated into the Muvizu application in next month's release.

Second prize went to Hermit for his spoof trailer The Attack of the Crappy B-Movie Aliens. This is an absolute riot and the profile shot of Captain Starbox striking a pose is to die for.

Third prize went to Mysto for his charming Adventures Inc. - a work that gives a mischievous nod to familiar Muvizu sets and which stayed just on the right side of, er, blowing sunshine up our collective butt not to be ruled out for sycophancy. We admire your cheek ... just as much as you clearly admire our cheeks ;-)

Arguments really did rage back and forth about second and third places. There were a fair few more submissions in the running, too, and we'd ask entrants to make their work public - which will probably start off a whole new set of arguments in the forums. Well, we like a bit of heated debate so, guys, would you delete your vids on YouTube that you shared with us and upload them through your Muvizu profiles so that we may publish them.

Much as it's great to announce winners, it really is a downer to have to disappoint people whose work was splendid but just didn't quite make it.

If it's any consolation, though, we are launching another competition, this time to support Machinima Expo 2010. We're funding the prizes for the Expo's own film competition and we're also running a competition of our own at the expo. Details of that, and of the prizes on offer, will be announced soon so please stay tuned.

The expo, which takes place online and in Second Life on November 20 and 21, should be quite a lark. We'll be in the office manning our virtual booth there (again, more details as and when we finalise arrangements) and we've decided to throw open our doors to any users who can get to Muvizu HQ in Glasgow. We've got plenty of machines here that you may use and we'll be in party mode with pizza and beers on us.

Anyone who fancies dropping in should message pyrrho (that's vince, the MD here), it would be handy if you could leave an email address as well.

We've already invited jonbez, a prolific Muvizu user and creator of many fine Muvizu works, including the recent YouTube hit Ghost House, who visited us this week. All of us here enjoyed meeting him and want to thank him for his help with suggestions and hard-core tech insight on how to improve Muvizu. What a star.

To end on a personal note, which seems to be the way these news items are drifting, we had a text message at 5:56am today from Robert, our lead dev mentioned at the end of the previous report and whose phone received a weak signal at the top of Mount Kilimanjaro. It would seem that he and Angie, our office manager, made it to the roof of Africa without serious injury.

We hope that they'll make it safely back and are pleased that their efforts have so far raised £2,195 for The Prince & Princess of Wales Hospice in Glasgow. It'll be a few more days until they get back down the mountain so there's still time to make a donation via

Have a great weekend and we'll catch you on the other side.

Best regards,

The Muvizu team

Comments (8)

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  1. toonarama Muvizu mogul Experimental user
    • toonarama - Over a year ago
    • Congratulations to Matt, Hermit and Mysto
  2. Stonehead Experimental user
    • Stonehead - Over a year ago
    • Congrats to the winners ...I look forward to seeing the works
  3. jonbez Muvizu mogul Experimental user
    • jonbez - Over a year ago
    • Congratulations to the winners
  4. beretta
    • beretta - Over a year ago
    • Congrats
  5. Thanapongxxx
    • Thanapongxxx - Over a year ago