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Home ? Feedback ? Which 3 additional features would you most like

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10/05/2011 08:37:23

toonaramaMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 661
Just thought it would be interesting to see what 3 features are most "wanted" although I think we all need to accept that based on the cost-benefit rules that the team must work under none of what we wish for are likely in the near future.
My choice would be:
1. Object interaction/handling (even if it was a cludge like providing additional accessories that could be attached to a character - ie like the microphone)
2. Ability to "clothe" characters using images
3. Some form of puppeteering (IK/FK) whereby the stock animations could be "adjusted".
10/05/2011 12:45:42

DanimalMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 477
1 - I like the idea of attachable props and don't mind if it's part of the character base versus actually picking something up.

2 - a better system for moving the characters and cameras. The bulk of any animation I've done has been spent trying to get movement right without much success

3 - texturing for characters and props.

I'm actually pretty happy with the stock animations, a system for changing the time would be nice, but not a deal breaker.
10/05/2011 20:27:25

ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1988
I would like
1. Guns
2. Guns
3. Guns

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Home ? Feedback ? Which 3 additional features would you most like