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Home ? For New Users ? At last, I finally found this great software!

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03/06/2013 04:03:15

Posts: 3

I've tried this program out a little bit on two of my computers I own, It lags a lot on one and I'm getting errors in another (see Tech Help thread). From what I got out of using it on a laggy Vista machine, it looks fairly simple, and intuitive and after watching some of the YouTube video tutorials, it looks like I can make some fun stuff from this cool piece of software.

I have a few ideas for YouTube in terms of skits and music videos for techno songs I write. I just hope I can run it smoothly on my Windows XP computer soon before I loose these ideas. I'm so excited I finally found something to do animation with that's so simple and fun!
04/06/2013 12:41:24

CaroleMuvizu staff
Posts: 67
"I'm so excited I finally found something to do animation with that's so simple and fun!"

Thanks for that great quote. Made our day here!

Hope things are running smoothly now!
Look forward to seeing your creations.
04/06/2013 13:12:34

(Account inactive)
Posts: 133
If you have the same problem than me (lagging with Muvizu Play), use the older version of Muvizu

The older version support all the ''stuff'' of Muvizu Play, but it doesn't lag on some pc (like in mine, and I'm using Windows 7 64 bits)

Link of the older version:

I wish this help,

04/06/2013 16:11:06

Posts: 4
In Vista and Windows 7 you have a compatibility mode tool . Before Installing Muvizu Play Setup - Right click and go to compatibility tab and in the compatibility mode ,check box and pick windows xp (service pack 3),press apply and then ok .Now install .I use to have same problem and now is running much better. Hopes it helps !
edited by DNXTGAMER on 04/06/2013
edited by DNXTGAMER on 04/06/2013
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Home ? For New Users ? At last, I finally found this great software!