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Home ? General Discussion ? The Users content output store......errm promised?

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26/10/2015 19:15:56

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
drewi wrote:
Well i did put it in the general discussion area
trying to avoid interrupting more serious technical matters involving Muvizu problems.
i didn't start the barbs and nastiness.

We are all different if you dont like what the person says you have the choice to ignore it or respond to it. Personally I tend to take the high road and not reply.

However again if you really want only a staff answer well dont post here LOL just contact them at support. I suspect their answer would be something like "we dont have any info yet but when we do we will share it".

As adults hopefully we all have the maturity to step away from the keyboard and not do the "he started it" thing. Anyhow I will go back to lurking but lets hope they dont have to start moderating these boards cause that means they have less time to do other things like building online stores that will accomodate the peanut gallery and them

anyhow "why cant we all just get along" LOL.

that is what i get for typing slower i need to go back and quote now lol.
edited by urbanlamb on 26/10/2015
04/11/2015 23:34:08

PCollimonsterExperimental user
Posts: 25
Hi drewi

Sorry for the lack of information. This is really because at the moment there is still a fair amount of considerations that need to be finalised regarding the market place function of the content store.

We are working on various procedures which need to be fully ironed out before we can go live. These include:-
  • Standardised number of assets in a content pack and pricing
  • Licensing of the content
  • Transaction fees from our payment gateways
  • Contractual agreements between sellers, Muvizu, and the purchaser

We want this to be a fair system where the purchaser gets best quality and the seller gets a fair price. There is a body of work that we must perform internally here at Muvizu HQ for every piece of content sold, and a fair amount of legalities.

When we have some more solid information we will share with you.

Kind Regards

edited by PCollimonster on 04/11/2015
05/11/2015 00:05:43

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 301
Cheers for the reply.
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Home ? General Discussion ? The Users content output store......errm promised?