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Home ? Importing Assets ? ASE conversion in newer versions of Sketchup

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22/01/2016 01:51:05

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
A recurring theme on the forum is training new users to find and use Sketchup 8 in order to use the ASE conversion plugin. This will never end, since new users will tend to DL the latest version of Sketchup.

The good news is that it is TOTALLY POSSIBLE to use the ASE converter in the latest version of Sketchup! (but the procedure for making it work has changed, hence the problem when applying the old installation procedure to the new version)

I've already created a WIKI entry on the subject, so rather than retyping everything, here is a link to the WIKI:

There are advantages to using the latest version. They improve it all the time, and by using older versions you miss out on all the latest greatest new stuff. Nobody wants that. ;-)

Maybe the best news is that the latest version has a built-in link to their Extensions Warehouse, and automates the installation of most of them! Its as simple as finding an extension you like, and clicking INSTALL!

It also has a direct link to their huge warehouse of free models, and easily allows you to load models from there directly into Sketchup. Cool beans!
22/01/2016 07:18:27

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
PatMarrNC wrote:
A recurring theme on the forum is training new users to find and use Sketchup 8 in order to use the ASE conversion plugin. This will never end, since new users will tend to DL the latest version of Sketchup.

The good news is that it is TOTALLY POSSIBLE to use the ASE converter in the latest version of Sketchup! (but the procedure for making it work has changed, hence the problem when applying the old installation procedure to the new version)

I've already created a WIKI entry on the subject, so rather than retyping everything, here is a link to the WIKI:

There are advantages to using the latest version. They improve it all the time, and by using older versions you miss out on all the latest greatest new stuff. Nobody wants that. ;-)

Maybe the best news is that the latest version has a built-in link to their Extensions Warehouse, and automates the installation of most of them! Its as simple as finding an extension you like, and clicking INSTALL!

It also has a direct link to their huge warehouse of free models, and easily allows you to load models from there directly into Sketchup. Cool beans!

Interesting. I've always stuck to the old version because I liked the Ziggymesh exporter. I wonder if you can get this exporter working in the new version. As for features, it seems that the new sketchup hasn't really improved at all from sketchup 8 (Although feel free to prove me wrong if you find some).
Sketchup 8 used to have the warehouse built in.

I'll have a little read of that wiki page and try it out.
22/01/2016 14:30:43

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
Now that you mention it, I'm not sure which version of the ASE exporter I'm using with Sketchup 2015. If Ziggy modified an existing version, its entirely possible that his version doesn't work beyond version 8.

The version I use has 3 text boxes, the 3rd one giving me the option to pick a collision object, or export without one, letting Muvizu take care of it. I assumed that was Ziggy's version since it specifically mentions Muvizu. But whichever version that is.. it works in Sketchup 2015.
30/01/2016 01:46:41

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
Oooookay..... I finally get what you're saying. I am using a different version of the ASE exporter in Sketchup 2015.

I tried to install the one from here:
but it errs out as soon as Sketchup 2015 loads.

I'm using one that was adapted by Jamie for Muvizu. It can be found here:

Apparently the difference is in the collision. I'll change my WIKI to reflect this.
30/01/2016 02:05:33

(Account inactive)
Posts: 763
PatMarrNC wrote:
Oooookay..... I finally get what you're saying. I am using a different version of the ASE exporter in Sketchup 2015.

I tried to install the one from here:
but it errs out as soon as Sketchup 2015 loads.

I'm using one that was adapted by Jamie for Muvizu. It can be found here:

Apparently the difference is in the collision. I'll change my WIKI to reflect this.

removing the collision (well making it tiny) is easy with the muvizu exporter. takes a few seconds. make your model a component (which you should do anyway to export) make a tiny cube, make it into a component naming it collision and place on the origin point. and export.
edited by fazz68 on 30/01/2016
30/01/2016 02:19:40

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
fazz68 wrote:

removing the collision (well making it tiny) is easy with the muvizu exporter. takes a few seconds. make your model a component (which you should do anyway to export) make a tiny cube, make it into a component naming it collision and place on the origin point. and export.
edited by fazz68 on 30/01/2016

Ah! I figured that must be possible, but I couldn't figure out how to name the two components... so I've been making more complex collision geometry as a separate file, then manually editing the ASE file to add the collision at the end. Doing it that way does take longer, and I like your idea, so I'm now off to see if I can figure out how to do it your way....

Thanks once again for sharing your knowledge!
30/01/2016 02:26:00

(Account inactive)
Posts: 763
PatMarrNC wrote:
fazz68 wrote:

removing the collision (well making it tiny) is easy with the muvizu exporter. takes a few seconds. make your model a component (which you should do anyway to export) make a tiny cube, make it into a component naming it collision and place on the origin point. and export.
edited by fazz68 on 30/01/2016

Ah! I figured that must be possible, but I couldn't figure out how to name the two components... so I've been making more complex collision geometry as a separate file, then manually editing the ASE file to add the collision at the end. Doing it that way does take longer, and I like your idea, so I'm now off to see if I can figure out how to do it your way....

Thanks once again for sharing your knowledge!

put a cross on the bottom and set your axis, click create. plus the cross makes it easier to move onto the origin point.
30/01/2016 08:15:45

ukBertyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 975
I have automated adding the Ziggy collision mesh so it only takes a couple of seconds because I'm lazy....

Thought it may be helpful....

Create a text file : c:\windows\addmesh.bat (depending on you OS you may need to edit as administrator)
Put the following lines in it :-

for %%c in (.\*.ase) DO copy "%%c" nocollision
for %%d in (.\nocollision\*.ase) DO type "c:\ut3\ZiggyMesh.ase" >> "%%d"

Download the ZiggyMesh.ase from here -
Rename the ZMB(collision model).ase to ZiggyMesh.ase and stick it in c:\ut3

Every folder that I have models in I create a folder underneath it called NoCollision
I then start a DOS prompt and change directory to the folder with my models in.
As I add models or edit and export them again I just keep running AddMesh from my DOS window (Up arrow to repeat last command).

This ensures that all my .ase files in the nocollision folder are up to date and have the collision removed. I then use these to import into Muvizu.
30/01/2016 13:41:37

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738

Thanks for sharing!
01/03/2016 03:15:49

Posts: 36
PatMarrNC wrote:
A recurring theme on the forum is training new users to find and use Sketchup 8 in order to use the ASE conversion plugin. This will never end, since new users will tend to DL the latest version of Sketchup.

The good news is that it is TOTALLY POSSIBLE to use the ASE converter in the latest version of Sketchup! (but the procedure for making it work has changed, hence the problem when applying the old installation procedure to the new version)

I've already created a WIKI entry on the subject, so rather than retyping everything, here is a link to the WIKI:

There are advantages to using the latest version. They improve it all the time, and by using older versions you miss out on all the latest greatest new stuff. Nobody wants that. ;-)

Maybe the best news is that the latest version has a built-in link to their Extensions Warehouse, and automates the installation of most of them! Its as simple as finding an extension you like, and clicking INSTALL!

It also has a direct link to their huge warehouse of free models, and easily allows you to load models from there directly into Sketchup. Cool beans!

I have Sketchup 2016, I followed the instructions for installing an rb file but when I start sketchup I get this error message, what am I missing?

Thanks in advance

edited by foff47 on 01/03/2016
01/03/2016 14:36:13

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
I'll have to do some research, but I can't right now as I am neck deep in alligators on a home project. The first guess (based on my own experience and on the details of the error message you're getting) is that Sketchup 2016 doesn't like the syntax of the RB file

That's one of the reasons why the ZiggyMesh version of the ASE exporter can't be used with versions past Sketchup 8... apparently later versions require different syntax.

When I tried to install the ziggymesh version of the ASE exporter in SKetchup 2015 I got similar errors. But there is another version of the ASE converter available that DID work for me, and I'm wondering if you are trying to install the wrong one.

The version that worked for me in Sketchup 2015 can be found here:

if that doesn't work, then report back and we'll go from there
01/03/2016 15:03:04

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
that link goes to a text file.
or a page full of text.
is that whats intended?
edited by drewi on 01/03/2016
edited by drewi on 01/03/2016
01/03/2016 17:01:15

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
drewi wrote:
that link goes to a text file.
or a page full of text.
is that whats intended?
edited by drewi on 01/03/2016
edited by drewi on 01/03/2016

I think you have to right click the link and save as.
01/03/2016 18:03:00

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
cheers for response mrdrwho
this is what happens when that file is put into 2015 sketchup tools directory.
01/03/2016 18:04:50

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
Have you followed the instructions in this guide?
02/03/2016 10:43:07

Posts: 36
PatMarrNC wrote:
I'll have to do some research, but I can't right now as I am neck deep in alligators on a home project. The first guess (based on my own experience and on the details of the error message you're getting) is that Sketchup 2016 doesn't like the syntax of the RB file

That's one of the reasons why the ZiggyMesh version of the ASE exporter can't be used with versions past Sketchup 8... apparently later versions require different syntax.

When I tried to install the ziggymesh version of the ASE exporter in SKetchup 2015 I got similar errors. But there is another version of the ASE converter available that DID work for me, and I'm wondering if you are trying to install the wrong one.

The version that worked for me in Sketchup 2015 can be found here:

if that doesn't work, then report back and we'll go from there

Hi PatMarrNC

I tried the rb file you mentioned and am still getting the same error message.

Who would have thought that importing assets would be so hard even though the problem has been around a while.

Maybe someone will be able to write an FBX exporter for Sketchup.

Thanks again
02/03/2016 13:24:14

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
This may be a sketchup problem. They broke the original ziggy mesh exporter by changes they made after version 8... its possible they've broken the other exporter now with version 2016.

I'm using sketchup 2015, and it works. However, if you back up to a previous version, I'd recommend backing up to version 8 so you can use the ziggymesh exporter. When I installed Sketchup, I didn't yet understand the benefit of using version 8 and the ziggymesh exporter, and I made it a lot harder on myself as a result.

Or, download and install Blender so you can use its excellent FBX exporting.

Or do both. There are advantages to both formats. I prefer ASE for anything small enough to convert in under 10 minutes. For more complicated models, Blenders FBX exporter is very fast and it works like a charm.
11/07/2016 20:17:06

Posts: 5
for Sketchup 2016 just make a little change in the script using wordpad, find MB_YESNO and add brackets

This is not recommended, do you wish to progress?"), MB_YESNO , ("Are you sure?")

Have a nice day

this is what happens when that file is put into 2015 sketchup tools directory.
11/07/2016 20:50:51

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738

This will come up again, so I'm glad somebody solved it. I guess we need to start archiving different versions of the ASE exporter that work with different versions of Sketchup.
12/07/2016 04:17:30

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
drewi wrote:
cheers for response mrdrwho
this is what happens when that file is put into 2015 sketchup tools directory.

I just noticed that the script that works for me in version 2015 has NO parentheses at all on this line. I must have fixed it and forgot that I did, because my backup copy still has the parentheses.
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Home ? Importing Assets ? ASE conversion in newer versions of Sketchup