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Muvizu chat

    • Over a year ago
    • Hello! I can't figure out how to record CHARACTER EFFECTS. I find the instructions for effects, but I don't think they work the same as character effects. I have a character coughing and I need to add a bit of "high solids" to what expels. THANKS!
      • Over a year ago by MrDrWho13
      • First, right click the character and press edit. Go to the effects tab in this menu and chose which one you'd like to add. Now you can animate the effect by following these instructions:
      • 1 week ago by helendam
      • The https://sma community is active and welcoming, offering a great platform for players to connect and share their experiences. Engage in online discussions, share your achievements, and learn from other experienced players. Community events and com
      • 1 week ago by helendam
      • Being part of the community can greatly enhance your gaming experience. Join forums and social media groups to exchange tips and strategies with other players.
    • Over a year ago
    • Hello! I expect to hear back from Support tonight, but wanted to see if anyone could offer advice on how to get my start up Code to "take?" I copied and pasted it per the instructions, but it wouldn't work. Thanks!
      • Over a year ago by MrDrWho13
      • If you mean your licence key, go to your profile on this site, then click my products on the left. Next, click in the box with the code and do ctrl+a then ctrl+c to highlight and copy the code. After that, go to Muvizu, file-->upgrade-->enter code.
      • Over a year ago by Rocque
      • There is a file with the code, or it is in an email, and once you copy the code to your clipboard Muvizu uses magic to paste the code where it is needed. That is how it worked when I started. I still ended up sending a support ticket for help.