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Muvizu chat

    • Over a year ago
    • Hello! i was wondering if muvizu will have new features, packs or Characters to buy! i hope new stuff is added
      • Over a year ago by Muvizu-Admin
      • We will continue to update new material packs for our official website
      • 9 months ago by Olivia1
      • I just read your article and I have to say, it was one of the best incredibox I've read in a long time. Your writing style is so engaging and the content was incredibly informative.
      • 4 months ago by jesse99
      • Same like you, I was also checking in about new features, packs, or characters for Muvizu. I understand updates haven't been added yet, but I'm definitely hoping to see some fresh content soon.
    • Over a year ago
    • im having problems with my license, error W2
      • Over a year ago by Muvizu_Admin
      • I have fixed the problem for you, try again please.
      • Over a year ago by DigiFactor
      • Try starting muvizu as Administrators
      • 9 months ago by Olivia1
      • I just read your article and I have to say, it was one of the best I've read in a long time. Your writing style is so engaging and the content was incredibly informative.
      • 3 months ago by Athelstan
      • Contact the licensing authority: If you are unsure about the specific cause of the W2 error, contact the licensing authority directly for detailed information and instructions on how to fix it.