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Home ? How Do I ...? ? 3D-Modell

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18/09/2020 19:46:47

Posts: 6
Hallo Leute,

ist es möglich, ein 3D-Charaktermodell nach Muvizu zu importieren?
Gibt es dafür Tutorials?

Liebe Grüße
19/09/2020 20:48:07

ikesMuvizu mogul
Posts: 282

This is unfortunately not possible in Muvizu. You can only import static models.
20/09/2020 19:45:03

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 302
also ja, aber statische modelle nur in fbx .ase oder .obj
22/09/2020 21:10:08

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 302
anti spam bump.
23/09/2020 22:39:30

DigiFactorMuvizu mogulMuvizu staff
Posts: 135
drewi wrote:
anti spam bump.

Yea I deleted those spams, been getting way too many, but Im watching for them!
23/09/2020 23:42:00

bigwallyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 399
DigiFactor wrote:
drewi wrote:
anti spam bump.

Yea I deleted those spams, been getting way too many, but Im watching for them!

And I have been reporting them. Is reporting them a waste of time since you have to watch for them? Do my reports go down the rabbit hole?
23/09/2020 23:57:35

DigiFactorMuvizu mogulMuvizu staff
Posts: 135
bigwally wrote:
DigiFactor wrote:
drewi wrote:
anti spam bump.

Yea I deleted those spams, been getting way too many, but Im watching for them!

And I have been reporting them. Is reporting them a waste of time since you have to watch for them? Do my reports go down the rabbit hole?

To me I think it's a waste of time, its been hard for me to get any answer from Meshmellow, and I'm getting tired of deleting every spam that comes along, but I'll keep trying to get in touch with them, I'm starting to give up on the spam deleting, I could disable the users that post the spams, but their user names aren't showing up on my most recent post list, I manage to find a few but I realized that there are a lot more spammers then I thought there was!

So to make it short, It's a waist of time!
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Home ? How Do I ...? ? 3D-Modell