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17/01/2022 23:52:12

Posts: 169
When it's time for a guest to leave, a butler helps in a surprising way.
20/01/2022 22:32:19

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 307
Settings exquisite ,Always think there's lots more opportunity for a variety of camera angles and things to focus on in the scene when we make stuff. It's like we don't do our work enough on screen justice. Dunno if you get what i mean. Just thought i would say summat beyond ...errm? err? that's good.
20/01/2022 22:55:00

Posts: 169
I didn't make the scenes so there were a couple of reasons for restricting the camera angles a bit. The interior down the hall the other didn't look right and the exterior kept blurring when I made the traveling shots I wanted.
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