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Home ? Feedback ? key frames fun

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19/11/2015 16:11:28

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 301
Just experimenting with key framing and rotation of objects.
It led me to muse whether a copy and paste functionality for key frames would be a possibility in the future?

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19/11/2015 22:55:30

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
I'd really like to see copy and paste for all the timeline elements!
07/12/2015 04:12:40

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
taking that idea a step further:

Directing a character's actions currently involves the following sequence of events:

1) set up your actions in the action picker
2) start recording
3) when the timeline progresses to the point where you want to insert an action, you click the button for that action and it gets inserted into the time line's sequence of events
4) click on an idle action to set the duration of the previous action

elements are basically
-a defined action
-a time for it to begin
-a duration

it would be cool if we could just...
1) position the timeline wherever we want to insert an action (thereby establishing the start time)
2) pick the action same as we would when directing the action as usual (except the scene would not be recording/moving)
to INSERT an action event on the timelin