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Displaying 1-4 out of 4 results for: ghost house

  1. Muvizu In-Depth: Jeremy Comer

    As one half of Muvizu Mogul team Skylike, we’ve always enjoyed the offerings of Jeremy Comer. He’s been a long-time user of Muvizu software, masterminding the incredibly popular gore-fest ‘T... more

  2. These are the champions

    Muvizu is delighted to announce the winners of the 90-second short film competition. We're similarly delighted to announce another competition to mark our participation in Machinima Expo 2010. S... more

  3. And the winners ...

    Will be announced on Monday, at the latest. We aim to be in touch with our video short competition winners on Friday with a few questions about how their films were made. We are just as impatien... more

  4. You will be judged

    Our thanks to all of you who submitted 90-second videos to our competition for the Raindance Film Festival. As with a previous competition, held with 3D World magazine, the lure of quality computer... more